Part Four: We can't be friends

Start from the beginning

"You're an asshole Taehyung." Nova humped in her seat with crossed arms causing him to sigh.

"You know I'm right. You let everyone else make decisions for you Nova."

Biting her lip for a moment, Nova tried to hold back her tears and she shook her head.

"So what about you? Since you're so perfect!"

"Oh give me a break."Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"You always think you're right! But you shut out other people's emotions and that's not fair! You have never been supportive of me!" As Nova yelled, Taehyung's mouth fell open in disbelief as his brows crashed together.

"What are you even talking about?!"

"Everything has to fit into your little box! There's no room for anyone else in Taehyung's little world!!"

"Sorry that not a codependent needy little....ugh!" Cutting himself off, Taehyung grunted, gripping the steering wheel tightly as Nova gasped a scoff.

"You're just a selfish little inconsiderate loner!!" Nova angrily pointed her finger, while Taehyung swerved the car to pull over on the side of the road to focus his attention on Nova.

"I'm literally driving you across the fucking country! You call that inconsiderate!!"

"Then don't!! I hate this stupid car anyways!!" Throwing hands in the air, Nova rolled her eyes, while Taehyung glared at her in offence.

"Then get out!!" Taehyung yelled.

"FINE!!" Pushing the car door opened, Nova stormed out before slamming the door shut behind her just to irritate Taehyung.

"Alright you're just being ridiculous now!" Opening his car door, Taehyung stood up as he watched Nova cross her arms and turn away. The wind blew her hair messily as she tried to keep her skirt from flying up while she pouted.

"You told me to get out so I got I got out!" Nova remarked.

"Ooo you are so childish!! Get in the car Nova!!"

"No!!" Firmly keeping her arms crossed nova stood her ground, while Taehyung stared up at the sky in disbelief; waving his hands angrily.

"You know what, you can walk to San Francisco!" Nova turned around and frowned as she watched Taehyung open up his trunk and throw her suitcase out.

"Fine I will!!" Nova yelled as she lugged her suitcase towards herself. Taehyung on the other hand waisted no time getting back into the drivers seat; slamming his door shut and prompting driving off. Leaving a large cloud of smoke from his tires as he disappeared down the road.

Staring in shock, Nova looked in the direction that Taehyung had driven off in. But the longer she looked, the more the sinking feeling in her stomach traveled to her heart. She swallowed dryly as she looked up and down the road. There was nothing, just a desert stretching for miles and a long empty road Taehyung had left her on.

Dusting off her suitcase, Nova sighed as she hugged herself and took a seat on her suitcase. Looking down at her thighs, Nova's eyes began to fill with tears while she bit her lip. She couldn't help but sniffle when more tears ran down her cheeks.

It was as if she was left aimlessly drifting through the Milky Way trying to find her purpose. But to her hearts content, a familiar comet made its return.

As she continued to wrap her arms around herself, while the wind softly blew her cherry red hair, Nova watched as Taehyung's vintage car, stopped on the other side of the road. With his hands on the steering wheel, Taehyung stared down at his lap and sighed softly.

He finally pushed his door open, stepping out and glancing at Nova. For a moment the two were silent while he stood on the opposite side of the road and she sat on the other.

Noticing her tears, Taehyung tucked his hands into his denim jeans while he made his way across the road and over to her. Stopping in front of her, Taehyung didn't say a word as he took a seat beside her. With that, Nova leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist as he wrapped his arm around her and gently stroked the back of her head...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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