Part 5: The Meeting

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     The sand beneath Paul and Jessica sinks and shivers, indicating the worm getting closer. "Run." Paul says, taking off with his mother. It was almost impossible to run in the sand even before the worm disrupted it, so the two didn't get very far before tripping and being knocked over. They seemed to be trapped in the sinking sand. Paul, using what little energy he had left, manages to crawl out. However, his mother didn't have that strength. "Shit!" Paul yells, seeing that his mother was still in the sinking sand hole. He tries to think of something, anything to do in order to help her. He desperately looks around, hoping he'd find a rope, but he doesn't. There was only one option. Paul jogs back into the hole, immediately being knocked over. He grabs his mother and drags her through the sand, basically swimming in it. Once he reached the edge of the hole, he gives his mother one final push to lift her into the stable sand. "Go!" He says through gritted teeth as he tries to lift himself out, but he had no strength left.

     Sand gets everywhere as it begins to cover Paul's face, his body falling deeper into the pit. He can feel something beneath him; the sand worm was starting to open its mouth. Paul takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, preparing for what's about to happen. The sand below him collapses and he starts to slide down, hearing a yell before he suddenly stops. He can feel himself dangling above the air from the large worm before being pulled onto the stable sand. Opening his eyes, he sees that someone was holding him by his arm. His mother was right next to this person, helping them pull him out. A thumping sound can be heard in the distance, drawing the sand worm away from them and leaving them laying in the sand, breathing heavily and trying to comprehend what had just happened. Paul wipes some sand from his face and looks to the person that had saved him. It was.. a girl. She had bright blue eyes, and- wait a minute, he knew this girl. It was the same girl from his vision.

    Paul fumbles around a bit but eventually finds his balance and gets back on his feet. His hands were shaking from adrenaline, his heart pounding and he was still panting from the incident. "Are you okay?" His mother asks, wiping a few grimes of sand from his cheek. He looks to her with soft eyes, nodding. "Who.." he starts to ask, still catching his breath as he motions to the girl. "Oh, I'm Y/N." The girl says, "saw you two struggling with Shai-Hulud and thought you needed some help. It's not everyday we see other people that aren't one of us out in the deep desert. I'm interested. What brings you here?" She asks. "Our ship crashed, we've been trying to find the Fr-" Jessica begins, but Paul was insistent on finishing. "The Fremen," he says. "You're Fremen, aren't you?" He questions Y/N, but he knew the answer. Y/N nods, grinning. "I'd say we found you instead of you finding us, but that doesn't matter. Why did you want to find us? Usually when people try to find us, it's so they can kill us." She tells them, giving Paul a bit of a side eye. "You were our best bet at survival, as my father was killed. We have the same enemies: the Harkonnens. We're willing to help you, if you'd be so kind and help us." Paul said. "There's a few things we'd have to go over before that can happen, but tell you what. I'll bring you back to our camp and ask Stilgar his opinion, and we will go from there. Come on." Says Y/N, and she leads Paul and Jessica to the other Fremen.

"By the way, your sand walking was terrible." Y/N says as they approach the Fremen's camp. "Not only that, but the majority of the time you weren't even in worm territory." She chuckles. "How long were you watching us..?" Jessica asks. Y/N simply grins, shrugging. "Could you teach us how to sand walk properly?" Asks Paul, not being able to take his eyes off of this girl. He wanted to know everything about her and the Fremen. "Depends," she says, calling over her leader. "Stilgar! We have some guests!" Stilgar was in the midst of a conversation with his lead warrior, Jamarcus, when Y/N calls him over. "Y/N, what did I tell you about bringing in foreigners?" Stilgar complains. "These two say they're willing to help us get rid of the Harkonnens, they want to learn our ways." Y/N said, and Stilgar immediately shook his head. "You're almost worse than your sister." He sighs. "Chani?" Y/N laughs, "at least I brought in someone who actually has a chance." She motions to Paul, "he's young." She then looks to Jessica, "oh, no offense.." she mumbles. "None taken," Jessica sighs, "what exactly does he have to do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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