Yellow guy NSFW alphabet

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Yellow guy

A = after care (what they're like after sex)

Yellow guy isn't that good at after care but he tries

B = body part (their favorite body part of theirs and there partner's)

You: Yellow guy adores your chest he loves the feeling when he lays his head on it

Him: yellow guy really loves his hair he's just so proud of how long he's grown it out

C = cum (cum stuff)

Yellow guy just loves to see his cum spill out of you

D = dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)

Yellow guy really wants to see you pregnant

E = Experience (do they know what they're doing?)

Not experienced at all your his first time

F = favorite position (🫦)

Yellow guy is sitting with you in his lap which turns into yellow guy on top of you with your legs around his waist

G = goofy (are silly or serious?)

Yellow guy is accidentally funny because he's never done ✨it✨ before

H = hair (down there hair)

Yellow guy just naturally has little hair down there, The curtains do match the drapes

I = intimacy (how intimate are they during the moment)

Not that intimate because he becomes animalistic

J = jack off (masturbation headcanons)

If your not near or available yellow guy will jack off he'll usually go to a remote area to jack off

K = kinks (⛓️🪢🔪🧶)

Chainsaws, knives, bitting, gags, hair pulling, praising

L = location (favorite places to do it)

ANYWHERE, one time you and yellow guy where on a mission and yellow guy just picked you up and pulled you into and ally way

M = motivation ( turn ons,what gets them going)

When yellow guy goes into heat

N = NO (something they wouldn't do,turn offs)

Not having consent

O = oral (preference in giving or receiving)

Yellow guy prefers normal sex but he's fine with it

P = pace (fast or slow,rough or sensual)

Fast and a little rough

Q = quickie (their opinion on quickies)

When yellow guy is in heat You two do "quickies" often

R = risk (do they take risks?)

All the time yellow guy would fuck you anyway

S = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)

8 to 10 this is because yellow guy gets really pint up

T = toys (do they use toy on a partner or themselves)

He doesn't really know what toys are but he's interested in trying something new

U = unfair (do they tease you?)

No he wouldn't want to be mean

V = volume (loud or quiet, what sounds they make,etc)

Yellow isn't loud but he isn't exactly quiet either

W = wild card (a random headcanon)

Yellow guy trips a lot because he won't tie his damn shoes

X = x-ray (👀🫦)

Yellow guy is 9in at its full length but it's a little thin though

Y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)

Well....... Yellow guy doesn't have a sex drive he basically goes into heat

Z = zzz (how quickly do they fall asleep afterwards)

When you two do it in bed yellow guy will fall asleep pretty fast afterwards


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