Hide and Seek

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"Man, it feels good to be back doesn't it Itachi?" The two men stare at the gate entrance to the hidden leaf with pride, wind blowing through their hair. 

"Yeah, I'm glad we're home." Shisui's once sincere smile turned into a smirk as he turned to face his cousin. 

"So, do you think she left?" Itachi's brows furrowed as he shook his head. He wanted to drop the subject of you possibly leaving, it was something he didn't want to believe. 

"Tell ya what, I'll help you look around for her a bit before I head home, deal?" Itachi nodded in agreement and the two entered the gate of the hidden leaf, ready to begin their search.


You gazed at the night sky through the window of your hotel room,remembering the events that happened two days ago. You couldn't help but smile thinking you'll see him again, then it dawned on you, your power. Your curse...

"He doesn't know about it. Should I tell him? I might drive him away if I do that." You started arguing with yourself, weighing out your options. Finally you decided to give the hidden leaf village the ultimate test and you continued to stare at the sky, waiting for him.


"Where do we even start?" Itachi never realized how big the village is and was now overwhelmed with the task of finding the mystery woman. 

"Let's ask around. It's been two days, someone has to have seen her, unless she stayed in bed the whole time." Someone decided to walk by at the perfect moment.

"Excuse me Sir. Have you seen a girl with (color) hair, (color) eyes and is about this tall. She arrived here two days ago." Itachi estimated her hight with his hand. The man was lost in his thoughts for sometime, when he came back to reality, everything seemed more clear to him. 

"Ah, you must be talking about that (Name) girl who came to the village." Black eyes lit up at the mention of the name. Shisui was just as excited. The two Uchiha spoke in unison.


"Yes, she was practically catching the hearts of every young man she passed. She was very kind too."

"DO YOU KNOW WHERE SHE IS NOW?" Realizing they said the same thing again, Shisui and Itachi glanced at each other.

"I'm afraid I don't, but I last saw her at the ramen stand, someone there might know." Shisui ran off as if he wanted to see the girl more than Itachi.

"Thank you Sir. Have a nice night." Itachi was gone before the man could even respond. He ran as fast as he could to catch up to his cousin, but no matter how close Itachi thought he was getting, Shisui was still out of his reach. Finally he was able to stop running once he reached the ramen stand. He wasn't out breath, but he was a bit irritated by his cousin. He tried to scold him but Shisui carried on his conversation with Asuma, who was puffing on a cigarette.

"So she was out today?"

"Yeah, we spoke to each other. She said she was gonna explore the village and go back to her hotel to wait for someone. Did she come here because you put the moves on her Shisui? You naughty devil!"

"Oh no I'm not the devil, I'm just his apprentice. The real devil is Itachi." Shisui pushed Itachi in front of him and used his fingers to make devil horns on Itachi's head. Asuma seemed surprised to see the real devil.

"Itachi is putting the moves on girls now? You've been asked on dates by plenty of girls in the village, but you turned them all down. Now you've got a girl no ones ever seen before, waiting for you in a hotel. Are the women of the hidden leaf not good enough for you or something?" It was then that Itachi realized a mystery turned his world around. It was true girls in the village were always falling for him, but as captain of the Anbu he felt like he didn't have time for women. Then there was (Name), a girl with no home, no family, one who had dark secrets yet, could still put on the brightest smile. A complete stranger managed to capture his heart with one glance and one kiss.

"Uh hello Mr.Devil?" Asuma put out his cigarette and waited for Itachi to reaspond.

"Do you know where shes staying?" Itachi didn't want to admit that he'd fallen in love with a stranger, so he reasponed with another question.

"(Name) didn't mention what hotel she would be in." The Anbu captain cursed under his breath. Asuma noticed how frustrated he was and knew it was odd for Itachi to be acting this way, especially over a girl.

"Who is (Name) anyway?" Itachi had a bit of trouble putting you into words but he managed to find a few.

"She's a girl I met during the mission I just returned from. We talked, she mentioned that she needed a place to stay, and I told her to come here." Shisui began laughing hysterically, which confused the others. 

"Hahaha~you did way more than talk to her! You two were-" Itachi covered Shisui's mouth before he could say anything more, and backed away from the stand.

"See you later, Asuma."


You looked at the clock next to the bed. Realizing how late it was getting, you started to worry if Itachi made it home from his mission. Then other worries invaded your mind like what if you ran out of money to stay at the hotel and what if Itachi forgot about you. It gave you a headache, so you decided to rest. You jumped onto the clean, soft bed covered with a silk, red blanket, and the softest pillow your head has ever touched. Though it wasn't your intention to fall asleep, you began to sink deeper into the matrices and you were soon engulfed by the red silk, and drifted off into a dream.


"Damn it! This is taking forever. What the hell did I get myself into." Shisui said as he walked along side his cousin.

"If your tired, you can just go home. I didn't ask for you to help me anyway." His cold words stopped Shisui in his tracks, but Itachi kept walking.

"I just can't believe someone as responsible as you didn't think to discus how you would meet up when we got back. It's really unlike you, which means you must really like her." Itachi came to a halt and faced the short haired male who was smiling back at him. 

"You're right." He continued walking, and Shisui followed.


Now do not panic, this is not the end. The story was getting too long so I had to break it up, well that and I uh...I'm stumped. Writers block is ANNOYING!


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