Belkan Impression

Start from the beginning


<<Please be gentle with an aircraft,please>>

Seeing one of them being hurt,the engineer team stops immediately and slowly steps back away from the American jet.

"Do you need rearm,refuel,or some food?"-one courageous person steps toward her-"We can help.So please-"

<<Ah,thank you,but no,my plane is fine>>

At the other side of the airfield,the C-17s had been dragged back to the hangars,replacing the Hercules that were being towed outside ready to continue Globe Master's journey to Hawaii.Some final preparation had been done,but the pilots are still resting in the cafeteria.They still need a nice rest and a hearty breakfast,two hours of flying between the bullets had worn the pilots down so hard.They need to be replaced.

<<Ready for take off>>

Said an ADA-01A from the main runway,before it accelerates and ascends into the sky,toward Rutherford,followed by two Falkens as its escort.All with a three-color triangle insignia painted on their frame.

<<So those are advance generation aircrafts that Hilde told me about,and that must be Belkan Air Force insignia....>>

"Fascinating,right,American aircraft?And can you hear me?"

<<Loud and clear>>-Monika said and turned her camera to the back,where standing a man in vest-<<I supposed you are the base commander>>

"You're right.Monika,am I right?My name is Heinrich Gollnitz"-the man introduced himself-"CEO of North Osea- no,Belka Munition Factory.Welcome to Belka,again.First,I must say that you're much more excellent than what we expected from a single aircraft.Do American willing to share your technology with us?"

<<Nice to meet you,Mr.Gollnitz.About NGAD,I'm afraid to admit that American are not going to share any information about NGAD with outsider>>

"I see."

Heinrich looks down with a clear to be seen lament expression on his face.

<<I would say that with those aircrafts that I've seen on the way here,Osea and Belka are not so behind American technology>>

"Oh,that's not what I am concert about....We have Fairchild and Eliza,I would like to introduce them to you one day- oh,I think I've spoken so much"

<<I don't mind it.By the way,what you're concerning about?>>

"No,I don't think you would get it,but we're playing a dangerous game...We fear-.....Wait,this would be quicker.Let me ask you this question:Which side do you prefer?New Federation and Republic of Belka,or the old Osean Federation?"

<<I am not intelligent enough to understand political.However,on my way here,talking with several Belkan pilots,I do not see them as hostiles>>-Monika stops talking for a few seconds-<<......I guess I could say that I do not view Belka or New Federation as a threat to the United States.And I believe you want us to think so too,don't you?>>

Heinrich looks up,satisfied with the answer-"You're far better than my expectation from the American,and that's a praise..."

<<Thank you>>

"Really,if Eliza or Fairchild had only a fraction of what you have...though I would say that it's not a really good idea when thinking back...having emotion is exceptionally complicate,controlling one powerful jet with emotion...much be a nightmare"

<<Wait,you figured out that I am an AI?>>

Monika flickers her blue camera in confusion,like that she's blinking like a human.Seeing that,Heinrich can't help but chuckle:

"I guess AI with emotion is not that scary.Yeah,I have known that you're not a real human from the beginning,the way you speak is...quite unnatural,even if you tried to generate voice lines imitating human"

<<I see.I have to practice more,then>>


From the cafeteria,the diplomatic corps has returned,along with a new pilot team.

Meanwhile,the C-130s,which has been refueled and equipped with chaff and flare,had started their engines and began to move to their positions on the runway,they are going to take off soon.Along with that,a fleet of F-15C,which would provide escort for the diplomatic corps and Monika.

"I don't think you could go all by yourself,so I ordered a few Eagles to help"

<<United States of America thank you for all you've done for us.Alright,time to go>>-Said Monika,as she saw the first C-130 had taken off,then she also started her nuclear-powered engines-<<It was nice to know you.Mr.Gollnitz>>

"Goodbye,Monika,and see you again"

After Heinrich and the engineer team have hidden themselves behind a safety curtain from her runway,Monika's engines blast out steam rays,creating a smoke screen and accelerating the plane forward.

"Republic of Belka,we welcome you to return to our homeland"-Heinrich said from behind the curtain-"Next time I will introduce you to Eliza and Fairchild

<<I'm looking forward it>>

Monika's forward swept wings tilt to the back and lift up the whole frame.

<<Belka to Monika,you're clear>>

<<Monika to Belka,ready for take off>>

A blast of steam blows away all the dust on the runway,covering it with a color of white and gray smoke.And before the steam fumes disappeared,Monika and the diplomatic team had turned into small dots in the sky,flying toward Hawaii.

"Hey,James,do you have a family back in Osea?"

Mobius said,while having her mouth full of rice noodle.It's their breakfast in a Vietnamese pho restaurant in Seoul.

"Of course.I was born in Osea"-Trigger said in reply,while struggling using chopsticks to hold the noodles-"Why did you ask me about it?Is there any problem?"

"No,I just wonder if you could let me rent a room in your family's house.I have no place to stay after we return to Osea,you know.I remember having said that this morning"

Mobius then places down a newspaper from Osea that she got several days ago on the table-"Hyperinflation in Osean Federation.I fear that when I return to Osea,my bank savings would be quite useless.I've turned a part of them into dollars,but in case those money go spoiled too..."

"You want to rent a place in my house for less money,with the thinking that I could persuade my family to do that"

Mobius nodded,but her face looked down in embarrassment

"Fine"-Trigger reaches out for the spoon-"Damnit how can you use those sticks so easily.Anyhow,my house has a room for my future wife,or relatives when they came for a visit,but that room has been left empty for decades.I think I could manage to let you live there for a time before you could buy a house"

"Thank you very much.By the way,you haven't mentioned much about your family."

"Yeah,I don't talk to them much since I left for the air force,not having much chance you know....Well,at least I know that they are doing well,they live a peaceful retirement life,in Oured...a boring life.....I wonder what they are doing right now...."

A/N:After 53 chapters,for the first time my home country is mentioned

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