Chapter 6: The grains of sand

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Count them if you can!

Catch them if you could,

Only to get bored

And seconds later throwing them

You would.

Afterall, they are mere grains of sand...

From when did they matter,

You thrash them out of your hands.

Only if you could see,

What they could do.

You would be in total awe.

Wouldn't you though.

Nevertheless, if you care or you don't

They still go about on their own.

Carving out mountains and


For us to glance!

Wondering if it actually is them

But, in a big disguise..

Little things in life

They seldom come twice..

From the roof over your head

To the ground you

Walk on.

They are everywhere you


Reflecting a beam of bright light.

But, Alas! Only if you

Paid them a speck of heed!

They won't be feeling so helpless

As they fell at your feet.

Little things in life,

They are the most precious for you.

Be for real! When you say,

They are valuable to you!

For, you only say that,

As I challenged you.

Afterall wasn't it you

who looked at the bird

As it soared up the mountain

With its flight!

Eyes filled with Green,

as you sighed.

You thought you could have that

mountain all for you.

Pfft, only if you could notice those

Grains of sand next to you.

If only you could appreciate them,

They built thousands of such

mountains, only for you...

Only if you could realise,

Little things in Life,

they matter the most,

No matter, the comparison they are

placed next to.

Well comparison kills and

Apparently So do green rocks.

But, only if they hit you hard

Just like they did

When you saw the soaring bird.

Common, it is life for God' s sake!

And the only thing that matters

Is that you still got it round your



So, hey✨ sup?

Hope y'all doing great.

Just wanted let you know that I am really grateful for your suggestions yet my stoopid brain couldn't come up with ideas of heartbreak or betrayal.

But do know it's gonna come up with it on 6: 30. To night.

This is a poem I carved for ya guys. Hope you get the meaning of it. It's simple as simple as appreciating little things in life.

Afterall they are the ones giving lods of happiness...also you must not compare yourself with the soaring bird. You never know, if you're one and you just haven't discovered it yet. Love ya.♥️♥️♥️♥️✨✨♥️♥️🤗🤗

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