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The next day, Tango woke up to the sound of an explosion. This was Grian and Joel setting off TNT Minecarts. He had slept on the floor of Jimmy's room which, Jimmy said was to "keep watch of him" but that wasn't the whole truth. He made it seem like he wanted to keep watch of him because he was potentially dangerous, when in reality, he wanted to make sure he was ok.

"Hello? Grandma?" said Tango, stupidly.

"Your Grandma's dead." said Jimmy, amused

"Oh, right..." said Tango, sleepily

"You snored last night..." said Jimmy

"Why did you tell me that?"

"Just thought I'd mention."

The situation was quite awkward but after a pause, Tango made it even worse by saying;

"You're so hot."

He did not know what made him say it. Fear of being judged was building up inside him and freezing like millions of tiny sharp icicles.

"Thanks." Jimmy almost went out from the room but stopped and opened the door again and chuckled a bit before saying "You too."

'What on earth just happened? Did my flirting actually work?' Thought Tango

'I don't believe it, Jimmy actually called me hot! That means he's gay. I actually have a chance! And with. Skizz, Impulse and Etho out of the way, heck, I could even marry him! Oh, I've gotta complement Jimmy more often! Hey, maybe Impulse was right, maybe I do need to stop being a baby.'

Little did he know, his flirting completely did not work. Jimmy just had love for him that didn't need flirting.

After about 5 minutes of fantasies, Tango got up to see why The Bad Boys were setting off so many explosives at 7:00 in the morning.

"Rise and shine, traitor!" Said Joel, cheerfully from the tip of the ruins as he just detonated more explosives.

"You got what it takes to keep up with us?" Said Grian, Beside Joel

"I- I am confused on so many levels" said Tango.

"Then let me dumb it down to your level. You throw bombs or me murder you" said Joel.

"I'm sorry, what?" Said Tango

"Quit scaring him, Joel." Said Grian

"Hey, where did Jimmy go?" Asked Tango, predictably.

"Nope, won't tell you." Grain said before he stretched out his lilac wings and flew down besides Tango and grabbed him. "You're setting off TNT." He said as he flew back up with Tango

"Put me down, you delinquint!" Yelped Tango

"Ooh, he's feisty!" Said Joel

Tango was skeptical at first but eventually had a lot of fun blowing stuff up, especially cause these were Jimmy's mates. Joel and Grian seemed to have enjoyed his presence too because they were laughing with him. Jimmy returned from what he was doing, which he said was "Getting more wood" and joined in the activities.

"This is cool and all, but we could run out of TNT and not be able to reduce Impulse to an Impaste." Said Joel.

"Please don't put that image In my head, Joel. He's not my enemy" said Tango

"He can be." Said Jimmy.

"Wait, what do you mean?" said Tango.

"He's asking if you want to join us, dummy." said Joel.

"I'd say he's got it in him." Said Grian

"You in, or you out?" Said Jimmy, holding out his hand.

"Oh he'll yeah, I'm in!" Said Tango, shaking Jimmy's hand

This was by far the best day of his life. Jimmy called him hot, He became a BadBoy, and he actually got to touch his crush, for the first time. He hoped this day would never end. And even better, Joel and Grian left to go fulfill their kill lists which left him and Jimmy completely alone.

"Hey Tango" said Jimmy

He blushed "Y- yes?"

"How did you get here?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well whats the story? I mean, tell me... How did you go from T.I.E.S. To BadBoy?"

Tango relayed the tail of what happened to him throughout his journey.

"Damn" exclaimed Jimmy

"What's wrong?" Asked Tango

"Nothing, I just wish I was like you."

"L-like me? How?"

"You're able to do whatever you put your mind to, that's how."

"Oh... And I wish I was like you." said Tango

It was like his mind was on autopilot. He didn't know what was making him say these things. It was just flowing out of him, naturally. "You're so like, fearless and popular... I know I've said this before, but... You're really hot." He blushed more than ever before

"Well, I've said this before as well but I think you're pretty hot too. And, hey, popularity is nothin' compared to determanation. And with these looks, comes stress. Every person you know ends up having a crush on you and you don't really know what to say. Not to mention the maintenance with it too..."

Tango thought he could see a bit of blush on Jimmy and got overexited.

"What are you doing, silly?" said Jimmy

"I was thinking, about stuff... No other reason my lips are puckered up. It- It's just my thinking face..."

Jimmy tried so hard not to laugh but let a small chuckle escape.

"Sure, that's definitely the reason." said Jimmy

Tango was getting used to talking to Jimmy. He had overcome a lot of his social anxiety by pure desensitization. He still had trouble asking and doing certain things around certain people, but he was much better than pre BadBoy Tango.

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