Tango's solitary Path

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"Did you get 'em, Tango?" asked Impulse as Tango came back from his "adventure"

"Yep, I got all of them. One shot with my axe." said Tango, nervously

"For some reason, I don't buy that." said Etho, standing in the doorway.

"For one, if you had killed Jimmy, he would be red by now, also, how come you're not horrifically covered in blood, if your weapon of choice was an axe" he said

"I- that was..." stuttered Tango

"You know what? Fine. I didn't kill them. In fact, I ran away like a baby. Are you happy?" said Tango, annoyed he was being so stupid

"Uhm, no. I'm not." said Etho

"What, you don't care about Impulse?" said Skizz

"Of course I do. I just-" Tango was cut off by Impulse

"You need to quit being a baby, man. I know the real reason you don't wanna go over there." said Impulse, as if he did.

Tango looked at Impulse, for a split second, he thought he knew...

"You're scared. You don't want them to come after you, but... C'mon, man. I saw you kill Martyn. What's so different about The Bad Boys?' said Impulse, a look of disappointment on his face.

"Looks aren't everything. I bet they're wimps... Don't be like them." said Skizz, with a look of disgust towards the "badass" trio on his face

If only he knew... looks were everything in this situation.

"Oh, so I'm a wimp now?" Said Tango, crying a bit.

"Pretty much..." said Impulse

"I-" Tango was cut off by Etho

"It's getting late. Maybe we should quit arguing and get to bed." Said Etho, quickly and sternly.

So, the four of them did as such, and Tango was having an argument in his head.

'I'm sick of them, all of them, telling me I'm a coward, not caring how I feel... I bet they love Impulse way more than me.'

'Why don't you just leave?'

'Well, they'd disown me.'

'Who cares if they disown you? You're sick of them.'

'But they're like my family.'

'Would 'family' really want to disown you?'

The war in his head seemed to go on for hours, but he had eventually made his decision. He was leaving. He packed up his things but just as he was about to go...

"Finally leaving, I see."

It was Etho.

"I-" He tried to speak, but he was too embarrassed.

"I get it, you don't wanna face killing jimmy or any of his mates. You're in love with him." said Etho

He knew, he actually. Knew.

"How did you-" but he was cut off by Etho.

"Because I love Joel, Tango."

"Ok, that's gonna take a while to process. But, you're not mad at me?"

"Not really, no. I actually understand. Unbelievable, am I right?"

"You've always been a man of mystery." He said, shaking his head.

"Yeah, pretty much. You can go. In fact, I wish you luck. Oh, and do me a favor, actually try with Jimmy. It's just sad seeing you moping a picture of him."

"Have you been stalking me?"

"Just go."

"Well... I didn't think I'd actually get this far. Where do I go"

"Wherever life takes you. May the Watchers protect and watch over you on your journey."

After Tango's disappearance the other T.I.E.S members got very worried. and started looking for him. Tango was smart and hid himself in a hole down to bedrock untill they declared him gone for good. After that, Tango became an wanderer. Which toughened him up, substantially. He started wearing a black hood like he was the grim reaper or something and went from place to place, secretly, never staying for more than a day. This went on for about a week until he eventually stayed a little too long in ruins of Bad Boy Manor...

Joel found him in a corner, peacefully sleeping, probably dreaming about Jimmy. He dragged him up to see Grian and Jimmy. He somehow slept up untill...

"Who's this cutie?" asked Jimmy

He blushed a bit as Joel pulled back the hood and realized who it was.

"Gahh!" exclaimed tango as he woke up to Jimmy, looking at him close... much too close... they were about a quarter of an inch from touching noses.

Joel harshly dropped him to let Jimmy decide what to do.

"Death!" said Grian, dramatically.

"No... he looks rough. We should let him stay." said Jimmy

Tango's imagination ran wild with unformed thoughts of Becoming a Badboy and Snogging the life out of Jimmy as all the member of T.I.E.S. roared their approval.

But he was brought back to reality by Grian saying "I'll build him a shed!"

"Don't make it too nice, he was a T.I.E.S. member..." said Joel

"Oh, spare the man his troubles, he's been through enough. He can stay with me... I'll keep close watch of him." said Jimmy.

Tango Blushed so hard his skin and his eyes were indistinguishable.

Betrayal in The Name of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora