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Tango was sitting on his bed, facing the wall one evening, thinking hard over a decision he had to make.

'I mean, he's gonna know eventually.' Tango thought to himself.

'But what if rejects me?

'No, that can't happen. It just can't.'

'I mean... We are kind of complete enemies, trying to kill each other, and it would be complete betrayal if we got together, but, hey... does that really mean I don't have a chance with him? C'mon, Tango, you gotta tell him.'

'But what if he hates me for it?'

'No, don't think like that. just tell him next time I see him.'

'But what if he runs out of time?' he was crying now.

"No, he won't. He can't." he actually yelled that.

Impulse walked in, about to tell Tango there was dinner but walked in on him yelling. He opened his mouth but quickly closed it then Tango turned around.

"Uhh..." exclaimed Tango.

"I'll just go..." said Impulse, slowly backing away.

Meanwhile, Jimmy was sitting on Bread Bridge with his legs over the side, drinking a can of cola, thinking about something, albeit, not as hard as Tango

'Does he really think it's not obvious?" pondered Jimmy.

'I mean, he's alway blushin' around me, laughing at my jokes, staring at me with his gorgeous red eyes...' thought jimmy.

'It's kinda cute seeing him fail so badly with me...'

'Wait a second...'

He choked on his cola as he realized he liked Tango back.

"You alright there, Tim?" said Grian from behind Jimmy.

"Yeah, I'm alright... Just inhaled a bit of my soda. What gave you been up to?"

"Bad boy things."

"Ooh, is little Grian am ickle Badboy now?"

"Shut up, you're literally a Badboy too."

"Yeah, you're right. that joke was really stupid."

"Oh, forgot to say... we're low on wood and a few other things."

"Then go get some!"

"It's your turn, Tim. Joel replanted, then I... did other really important things."

"Ugh, fine."

Jimmy had gone out to get resources and didn't realize where he was... He had lost track and ended up close to where The T.I.E.S. live. Too close... He had ended up meeting Tango at possibly the worst time.

Tango was in the forest moping over pictures of Jimmy he somehow gained access to.

"oh Jimmy." Tango said, smiling to the photo, not knowing he was right there

"You're just so hot and such a bad boy. I just love you so much, I want to murder you with romance. Your eyes are like a gorgeous ocean, and that hair... that beautiful, sexy, blond hair.... Oh, I want to kiss every inch of you." he moped

"You want to do what with me?" Jimmy said as he came out from the trees

Tango and Jimmy looked at each other for a good 10 seconds before Tango ran away.

"And... Tango's gone."

Tango went back to his room at the T.I.E.S. tower to process what had just happened. And decide what to do after his life had just been ruined.

'Well now he knows. I suppose you could say it's a different Jimmy.' Tango thought to himself.

'He'd see right through that...'

'You could apologies and say you're over him'

'That would ruin any chance of being with him'

'You could just play it safe and flirt with him.'

Tango decided that was the best option and stuck with it. The next time he saw Jimmy, he would flirt. This, of course, to anyone with common sense would find this the worst thing to do.

Meanwhile, Jimmy was heading back to the ruins, smiling at what just happened. He was giving the supplies he gathered to Grian when he met not Grian, but Joel.

"You get that wood, Jimmy?" Joel said, from the tree he was sitting in.

"Yeah, I've got it right here. Where's Grian?

"Here... Ow..." Said Grian as he fell out of a the tree nearest Joel.

"Hey, what are you doing with that puffer fish, Grian?" said Jimmy, skeptically, as big brothers do.

"Going to kill Impulse for absolutely no reason at all." Grian said completely casually as if it was on his to-do list.

"You're yellow, isn't that against the rules?" Said Jimmy, confused.

"Oh well!" said Grian, cheerfully.

So, Grian went out and killed Impulse. The T.I.E.S. were very upset about Impulse being killed and they all wanted revenge. The next day, they decided to pull hairs on who would go over and kill The Bad Boys. Tango, of course, pulls the shortest hair, due to the fact his was made out of fire and went out immediately. Tango found this very unfair. He couldn't change the fact it wasn't made out of keratin.

"I don't wanna kill anyone!" Said Tango, untruthfully as Etho was pushing him out the door.

"I saw you kill Martyn, dude." Impulse said, skeptically, from behind Etho.

"That's different!" Yelled Tango as he was fighting Etho, not winning.

"How is that different?" said Impulse, confusedly.

"Uhh... He killed Grian?" Tango said, stupidly

"Grian killed me! That's the only reason you're doing this!" Impulse said, amazed he was being such an idiot.

"Fine, I'll go over there, jeez." said Tango, as he tried to push Etho away, but he was somehow build like a rod and immovable.

"Yes, avenge him, avenge him!" yelled Skizz, almost out of ear shot.

On the way to the ruins of Bad Boy Manor, Tango realized he cant kill anyone! Jimmy would hate him and he would never know what it's like to kiss the gorgeous lips of Jimmy; the baddest boy in the entire land.

He was so caught up in daydreaming about snogging Jimmy, he walked straight into a tree. Jimmy saw the entire thing. Tango pulled himself back together and said;

"H- Hello, Jim." said Tango, trying to be intimidating, but he was blushing to hard.

"Hey." Jimmy said, completely casually.

"You're not trying to kill me, are you?" he said, not giving a single care to the fact he was holding an axe.

"Uhh... yes. Uhm, fear me!" He said, not striking a single bit of fear in Jimmy

Jimmy stepped closer to Tango, stared him straight in the eyes, pulled out a sword, and put it to Tango's throat, warningly. Tango blushed and ran away like the coward he is.

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