
319 18 6

Kiyone Pov

Although it was technically the first day of classes, most of the second day was spent reviewing the policies and procedures. In a nutshell, the syllabus. As the teacher continued to discuss the class format, I began to scan the area, catching glimpses of several people.

In the midst of what one might anticipate as a typical classroom, filled with attentive students eager to learn, my attention was immediately drawn to a scene that presented a stark contrast to these expectations. In front of my hazel eyes, I witnessed the chaos. More than half the class was fooling around, seemingly ignorant of the teacher in front of them, such as dozing off in plain sight, engaging in their electronic devices, or engaging in casual chatter with one another.

Yet despite their outlandish behavior, the teacher continued her lecture, paying no mind to them.

They're quite lenient, to say the least. I thought, glancing at the red-haired guy sleeping in the room's far corner.

It seems that whether we listen to the lesson or not is entirely up to us. A freedom that I never expected. It was both a positive and a negative. While, in a sense, it allowed me to ignore her entirely in the future, as I've been through this process already from my time in the white room, it lacked order.

Although I despise having my freedom restricted, Order allows for progress.

Too much freedom allows indolence to surface among people, resulting in our progression to improve and lessen rapidly. Therefore, I'm astonished by this school's lack of stability.

Being known as a place with a 100% employment and college entry rate, as well as being government-funded, you'd expect it to be stricter and firmer, but it isn't. It was an all-around surprise, to say the least.

There's no way this is normal. I thought, questioning my previous thoughts of what school is like.

Lunchtime approached quickly as I remained engrossed in my thoughts. With the bell ringing into my ear, all of my thoughts vanished into thin air. Despite this, I sat at my desk, waiting for Nizar to appear. Or, to put it another way, his announcement.

Now, I wonder what you're going to do.

With a broad smile plastered on his face, Nizar headed towards the podium as soon as the teacher left. Oozing out an aura of confidence, Nizar walked up steadily to the front of the class. His trudge-like steps echoed throughout the room, drawing everyone's attention.

The class watched as the black-haired man with aureate-colored eyes approached the podium with a smirk-like smile. Intrigued by such a sight, everyone stood in place with eyes filled with interest.

Arriving in front of the podium, Nizar quickly adjusts his tie before slamming his hands onto the surfaces before him, startling the people around him, before switching to a cavalier smile capturing the people's hearts.

He's going all out, huh.

Producing a saint-like voice, Nizar spoke to the audience standing in front of him with zero wavers in his voice.

"Hello, fellow classmates. I deeply apologize for this late notice, but would you mind giving me a few minutes of your time? I just want to make a small wager with you all. More specifically, you, Ken Sudo." Nizar said, noticing the prior sleeping red-haired guy attempting to leave the scene

"Huh?" He said it angrily, displaying his displeasure at being stopped.

Sudo put on a stern face and glared at Nizar, who simply smiled, unbothered by the situation.

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