
1K 53 13

Kiyone Pov

Emerging out of the store both of our hands were filled with bags. After a staggering three hours, we were finally done with all the shopping needed. With enough supplies for the upcoming months, we had everything in check. We only wasted around 30,000 points leaving the both of us with approximately 85,000 points... at least for me, that is.

Today was a successful shopping. But-

In my left hand, I held a bag filled with several types of ingredients for various food, and in my right, a variety of supplies for cleaning. As for clothing-wise, Nizar had them covered with a couple of bags in his right hand while on his left was... something peculiar to say the least.

-Nizar makes me question that...

Glancing to the left side of him, I stared at the items in his hand, questioning everything. Despite not being able to express emotions clearly, I can assure you that this sight left me puzzled inside.

"I can't believe you wasted almost all your points on coffee..."

"I have a perfectly good reason for this..."

In an attempt to convince me, Nizar flashed a quick simile towards me. The way he quickly put his nice demeanor was honestly impressive but...

It didn't work.

"Really now..."

Though my trust in him is undeniable, I couldn't help but loses faith in him. Seeing him attempting to reason his way out of purchasing each individual type of coffee bean and a coffee marker made me question my judgment of him.

"Hey, what's with that look?"

Despite my attempt to hide the judgment in my eyes, it seems that I was caught in the act. Trying to change the subject, I began to look ahead in a hurry.


"Now before you start losing faith in me, let me explain."

"Go on..."

Although I allowed him to explain himself, I find it difficult to believe that there was a logical reason for this wasteful spending. The amount he wasted just for coffee was unbelievable. Tell me how can someone spend around 70,000 points on coffee?

It's just impossible. No matter how you look at it.

"You see, starting tomorrow, I'll be getting more than enough points so there's no point in not wasting the ones I have now."

With a confident look on his face, He explained how meaningless his current points were, but that didn't matter to me. Sure, he could triple the number of points by tomorrow that still didn't change the fact he wasted it all on coffee.

The amount that he wasted wasn't the issue here but it's the thing he wasted it on. Coffee. All on coffee.

"And, just how is wasting 70,000 points on coffee justifiable?"

Upon hearing my question, Nizar stood stunned for a moment before cracking into a smirk on his face.

This isn't good.

"Then why don't I show you why?"

He said with a bright smile yet if you knew him as long as I had then this was a further thing than a simple smile. Noticing my mistake, I tried to escape from the vicinity.

"I'm good anyway I think it's time to leav-"

Yet in the end, that was futile. As Nizar quickly grabbed my shoulder before I even attempted my escape. Slowly turning to face Nizar once more, I was met with his vivid golden eye as they pierced into my hazel eyes without any signs of leaving. In short, I was doomed.

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