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Kiyone Pov

As we both headed to class, I began to view my surroundings a bit more since starting from now on, this will be my new beginning; The start of a new life-something I wouldn't expect in a million years. Always being in that belief of never being able to leave that place, I was shackled away from birth. Yet here I was finally free.

Unbounded by the shackles of the past I began a new life in this school. With that said, I began to look around the vast school trying to memorize everything that catches my eye.

On the way to the classroom, I scanned the vicinity noticing everything. From the cleanliness of the window to the student walking around mindlessly. Nothing left my eye.

Glancing at the hallway wall, a part of me felt some type of emotion noticing the color of it. While it wasn't that astonishing nor breathe taking, I found enjoyment just looking at it. The navy blue color it held was undoubtedly better than the bland white color I was used to.

If I were to describe the two places in simple words then this school would be exciting and vibrant while that place was lifeless and dull. Though I haven't fully experienced this school to the fullest just from being able to roam freely, it was already significantly better. While I do agree that this place wouldn't be as beneficial as the white room, I couldn't care less.

Just as the white room was able to teach me things that you wouldn't experience anywhere else, I was positive that I'll come to learn things that even that place couldn't. In this world nothing is perfect; Whether we like it or not.

That so-perfect environment that the white room drives for is nothing but a foolish dream. While I was taught nearly everything in this world had to offend, I still couldn't understand the foundation of being human.

The feeling of happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and even surprise; I had never experienced such emotion before. Maybe at the beginning, I did but no longer anymore. That part of me was taken away from me. All cause it was deemed unnecessary but now that I was free from that place, I no longer had to follow their standards no more. Whether my time here would help me recover what I lost is something that I wonder; Only time will tell.

As I glanced at the window on my right, I saw a white bird soaring through the air with little to no problems. Regardless of what it may face in the future that bird wouldn't be shackled by anything. With each flap of his wing, it flew higher and higher being completely free from everything.

Unrestricted by nothing the soaring bird had free will with each of its choices. Whether it wanted to fly higher or lower, faster or slower, everything was his choice. His own future was decided by himself, not anyone else. Even if he were killed by some other animal in the near future, I doubt he would've had any regrets in his life. After all, he wasn't shackled by anything.

It was a dove; The bird that represents freedom.

With its colorful yet colorless wings, it soared at the top of the sky flying away off the distance where my eyes could no longer perceive it. Staring at its previous position, I continue to walk along the hallway with Nizar beside me.

Upon watching the white dove, I finally came to a realization regarding my own situation. Though I noticed it a while ago it just struck me.

That we're free. I thought putting my hands behind my back

"Say Nizar?"


"We're finally free"

"Yeah, we are. Feels weird doesn't it"

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