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not proofread!*


june 2016

     The fresh summer air filled her lungs, the beautiful city she missed since her last mission. The last mission under someone else's' control that is. The humidity this time of year was terrible, making her sweat as if she were a sponge dripping out water. Even with wearing cream-colored tank top and jean shorts there was no immunity from being drenched. However, the smell of Italian Street food was to die for and worth bracing the heat. Alex could taste the wrapped piada from just the warm scent swirling into her nose like she saw in the cartoons the Red Room forced her to watch.

Alex had promised she would scour for subjugated Widows in Italy while Yelena went to Spain. But that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the ability to do things for herself at the same time.

Now, walking out of a certain coffee shop, sitting at one of the tables outside this time, as it was to hot for the fireplace, Alex reached into her tote bag, pulling out her book. In which all she bought after parting ways from Yelena. She bit into the wrapped flatbread, letting the combination of flavors and textures melt into her mouth. Reading the recent chapter of the story about Rapunzel without worrying about taking down a new victim.

Once she finished, Alex stood up to throw away her trash, putting the book back in her bag. She made it to the nearest waste bin, tossing the paper scraps when her arm was snatched abruptly. The force dragging her to the niche in between shops. By instinct, Alex stepped on her captors foot with all force, allowing her to run. Unfortunately, they caught up to snatch her again, but Alex used the person to her advantage. Lifting herself up with her legs around their neck, to then spin until bringing them to the ground.

Landing in a ready stance to fight, Alex powered up her widows bite, hidden as a bracelet on her wrist, in que to strike. Only to stumble as the person was quick to kick her feet, and held a strong hold on her shoulder to be pushed up against the brick wall. 

"Where is it!?"

"You got to be kidding me." Alex mumbled once she put a face to her attacker.

"I know you have it, Widow!?" He spat angrily in her face. His curls pointing out in different directions. He was wearing a grey jacket with a maroon shirt this time and dark pants.

"Do I?" Alex furrowed her eyebrows, not sure what he meant.

His gripped her tighter as if it would get her to spit out the answer he fished for. "You know damn well what I'm talking about!" He gritted his teeth.

"Ohhhh!" She gasped as it clicked in her brain as if she were clueless. "That ugly duffle bag? That's what his is about isn't it?" Alex grinned at him with a humorous smile, although she was slightly intimidated by his harsh stare. Her wish he would forget and moved on didn't get granted like she hoped. "I was just about to return it to you, Marc Spector."

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