Chapter 9: Sakura's Life Pt 1

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Sakura was currently having a small party inside the Soma family household. Tohru was making multiple meat dishes, since Sakura loved them a lot. Yuki and Kyo were both being told some boundaries.

Tohru: Ok, the chicken is almost done!

Shigure: It's hard to believe your friend is the daughter of billionaires.

Tohru: Oh, I've always known. My mother worked for those billionaires.

Shigure: She must've been living pretty easy.

Tohru: Actually, it was the opposite. But the pay was a lot better than she expected over at Suzuki Motors.

Shigure: Speaking of Suzukis, where's Sakura?

Tohru: She's telling what the boys should do at the family mansion.


Sakura: No transforming, no misbehaving, and above all, NO FIGHTING!

Kyo: Alright, alright! It's your grandparent's home. And also your brother's home when he comes back. But what do we get to do?

Sakura: A lot! Also bring over some swimsuits, and I'll tell Tohru she can borrow one of mine. We'll be swimming there too!

Kyo: Ok.

Yuki: So, anyway, her-

Kyo: Quiet, ratboy, I'll hear it from Sakura.

Sakura: Ok, Shredder. Anyway, my grandparents, the Suzukis, are one of the richest families in Japan. My grandpa Taro and grandma Hanako live here. My Uncle Yoshi Suzuki runs the company and a car parts business. He used to run the latter himself from the ground up, until his older bro Kaito died. So expect gramps and gram to be there, but be on he lookout for any other family members.

Kyo: Ok?

Sakura: Yoshi is in charge of the company but might come over to see me, so try not to cause a commotion.

Kyo: Relax.

Sakura: Yep. Anyway, just be on your best behavior.

Kyo: Where's gangster and wave girl in this?

Sakura: They said they couldn't come. Arisa had work, Saki needs to stay home to help her grandmother, but Asura can visit. We'll be going by limo.

Kyo: Wait. In a WHAT?!

Yuki: Calm down, you flea bag!

Kyo: Make me, rat-

Sakura glares at both boys as they become compliant after she does so.

Sakura: *ahem* Anyways, they'll arrive at the Soma house, and Asura will meet up with us. They'll take us here and I'll decide if I want to stay there or not. But it's an overnighter and there are plenty of rooms.

Yuki: Ok.

Kyo: Suzuki's a pretty common family name. Hard to believe you're the one who came from the car multibillionaires.

Yuki: I knew a while ago. We told each other our secrets, but not Zodiac ones.

Tohru: It's time for dinner!

Sakura: Come on!


The big day soon came, and it was quicker than expected. Asura comes with a surprisingly huge amount of items, Tohru comes with her small backpack, Sakura comes with a small sized suitcase, and Yuki and Kyo have 2 suitcases each. Shigure was saying goodbye to the group of kids before they left.

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