Stop Doing That With Your Eyes!

Start from the beginning

There had been one particular time, though, when Percy had been staring at the back of Jason's head, admiring his shiny, almost golden hair, when Jason had turned around. It had almost been as if Jason could sense him, he had swiveled backwards and immediately made eye contact with Percy. Percy hadn't been able to look away.

Jason's eyes had been captivating, a strikingly beautiful blue, like a light clear sky on a sunny day. Percy had felt as though he could have gotten lost in them. The science room had began to blur around him, his vision had tunneled to Jason's beautiful eyes. It felt as though they were sucking Percy in, and Percy couldn't get out. He hadn't minded the feeling, though. It was almost... refreshing. Calming. Like he could drop dead and be satisfied with his life right then and there.

Percy didn't know how much time had passed while they were staring at each other, until his science parter awkwardly tapped him on the shoulder. "Uh... are you going to pull it's guts out or not?"

Percy had snapped his head away from Jason's direction, and the room had come back in focus again, giving Percy a dizzying spinning feeling. "Uh... do you want me to pull it out or-"

Percy was snapped out of the memory by Leo loudly yelling in his ear, "TACOS! LETS GO!" Percy shook his head softly, clearing his head, and followed Leo to go select a table. After they had put their stuff on the bench, Leo began dragging him deeper into the cafeteria crowd, heading for the lunch line. Leo glanced over his shoulder.

"C'mon, Jason! Just get a taco for me!" Jason chuckled softly while shaking his head before following them, making Percy's heart melt. And then it happened. Jason looked up, and Percy saw his eyes. His vision tunneled, and suddenly he couldn't see anything but Jason's eyes. So, when Leo have him another tug on his arm, he promptly fell over.

"Ah!" He yelped as he promptly knocked a few other kids over, landing on his butt on the hard cafeteria floor. Leo and Jason were at his side in a moment, asking if he was okay.

"I'm fine, I'm fine, I just-" He cut himself off, trying to stand up, but his legs suddenly felt so wobbly.

What is happening?

Percy suddenly felt two strong, muscular arms grab him, one on his shoulder and one on his waist, to steady him. Percy blushed, realizing it was Jason.

"I'm fine, I'm really-" -not even sick, I don't know what's going on, and you getting closer will not help at all!

"No." Jason said firmly, his grip on Percy's waist tightening slightly. "Leo, why don't you go get yourself tacos, and I'll go sit Percy down at the table?" Leo nodded, shot Percy a slightly concerned look, and practically naruto ran off to get tacos.

Jason began to guide Percy back to the table, and he suddenly felt a major headache coming on. With Jason awkwardly supporting Percy, and Percy looking as if stars were spinning around his head, they got a few odd looks. Halfway to the table, Percy couldn't take it. Being this close to Jason, having Jason touch him like this, was too much. He wrenched himself from Jason's grip and ran out of the cafeteria.

Percy couldn't get very far, his nauseousness immediately returning, almost worse than before. He was down a random hallway, leaning heavily on the wall. Suddenly he saw a bench, so he staggered toward it, and plopped down on it, breathing heavily. He sat there for a few minutes, the world spinning around him.

Ugh, what is going on? Percy thought, pissed that he was feeling like this. I was feeling fine, all until lunch came rolling around. I wonder if I ate something... Yeah! That would explain it! I probably have food poisoning!

Suddenly, from down the hall, Percy thought he heard someone calling his name.

"Percy? Percy? Percy, where did you go... Percy!" The person ended his "Percy" chant with an exclamation when he rounded the corner and saw Percy sitting on the bench.

This guy can't leave me alone, can he?

Jason looked out of breath, as if he had ran across the whole school. Percy suddenly felt bad, thinking that Jason had gone through all that trouble for him.

"Gods, Percy... You had me worried! I thought you could be dying in the bathroom or something!" Jason said, studying Percy intently, as if searching for anything else that was wrong.

"Nah... I just... Have, have food poisoning." Percy said, nodding. Agh, my head. I hope I don't accidentally barf all over Jason.

"Aw, man, I had that once. It really sucks. Why don't you go home?" Jason asked, taking a seat on the bench beside Percy.

"I'm... alright." Percy wished he could believe it. The world was spinning in and out of focus, each time coming back more and more blurry, and Percy's headache was pounding like a goddamn drum.

"Percy? Hey, Percy? I think you need to-"

And that's when Percy's world went black.

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