Chapter 3

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It was the day before the hero course student entry exams for Toshi and Enji. Thanks to Nana she was able to pull some strings to get me the chance to get into the school. Enji and Torshinori were training in the yard as I sat on the porch watching and making notes on how they can improve. Engi has gotten better at controlling his flames, still trying to make them hotter, slowly turning them blue. Torshinori has also been called better. He has a similar quirk to Nana who has been training with him to improve his strength. It was lovely watching them all train together. After half an hour Enji sat beside me with a slight blush on his face. "Hey, can you meet me at the park later today?" I smiled at him as I nodded. " Of course, I'll just have to tell Nana where I'm going," I replied. He smiled grabbed his water, and took a drink before he went back to his training.

Time seemed to pass by as they all were done training for the day and we went to have lunch as we ate I took the chance to ask Nana about it. "Is it okay with you if after lunch I go to the park with Enji?" I ask breaking the silence. " I don't see why not just make sure you grab your phone before you leave," she says. I hate the phone it's not like what I'm used to. When she saw my phone she went nuts and brought me a new one. Like what's wrong with Blackberry?
"I won't forget it don't worry," I say as I finish my food then quickly head out the door.

As I got to the park I could see Enji at the fountain waiting for me. "Hey, Enji, I'm here!" I shout happily running over to him. " Glad you came, Shimura," A smile was on his face blushing slightly as well. " I told you already to call me Terrence, Mrs. Shimura is only my foster mother". I sat beside him and looked at him with his ice-blue eyes.

"Terrence we've known each other for a long while now and I was wondering if you'd be interested in going out with me?" he asked. I felt my face heat up at his words. "Y-yeah I would love to," I said with a stutter. We stayed at the park mostly tossing ideas on how we were going to tell Mrs, Shimura, and Toshinori as well as tossing some rocks into the water.

It was the day of U, A exams were about to start. I knew I'd do well in my entrance exam. We were standing outside feeling nervous just looking at the place. A crowd of students made their way inside and we were smack in the middle. We separated and made our way to our exams.

Once I entered the room I went to the first empty desk I could find pulling out my pencil as the exam pages were handed to me. It started with an info page about ourselves asking our name quirk and why we wanted to join UA followed by basic test questions. Trusting my skills and the amount of studying I've been doing I felt confident. Once I put my pencil down I went over and handed in my exam. Looking around at the room I was the first one finished. " You may leave and get something to eat or you may stay here till the time is done as long as you're quiet". I nodded and made my way over to the desk I was sitting at pulled out my notebook and doodled some designs for hero costumes for Enji and Toshi.

The general education exam came to an end. I gathered my drawing things and messaged Enji letting him know that I was going to the cafe nearby and I'll meet them there when they were done. I walked out of the building and made my way into town. I continued walking till I heard a familiar voice. "Hey, quirkless loser get over here!" he yelled, getting his friend's attention. Their students from the nearby school enjoyed picking on me when Engi and Toshi weren't around.  I made my way into a slow run as he started to speed up trying to catch up with me. I made my way into a sprint hoping to lose them. Yet, they still managed to get me backed into a corner. "Thought you could outrun us! Ha well, it's time we get our payback on you for what your friends did last time we crossed paths '.  One picked me up with the collar of my shirt holding me up to the wall. Her quirk was paralyzing; she was able to paralyze someone for a temporary amount of time. The other's quirk was air manipulation altering the around his opponent and suffocating them. The leader had a gas-based quirk: he was able to make any type of gas. The air around me started depleting making it harder to breathe. Then receiving a kick in the gut knocking the air outta me. Still having trouble moving I slowly got on my knees and punched the air user in the face. I started coughing as the air came back into my lungs.

"Hey, leave him alone!" I look behind them to see Enji and Toshinori both looking pissed. Especially Enji who looked like he was going to burn them. "Yagi, Todoroki, nice seeing you two. We were just having a little chat is all," The Gus user spoke. "Like we believe that. Now back off before I burn you to a crisp." Enji says activating his quirk. I can feel the wormth of his flame the present wormth that gives off them worming up this cool ally. The three boys ran off with their tails in between their legs. "Terrence you okay?" Toshinori asks helping me to my feet. "Yeah, I'm okay," I say as Engi goes after the boys. I nodded and got to my feet.

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