Chapter 1

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I don't remember much. The last thing I recall is walking home from the store for Mom, and then nothing. Perhaps I was knocked out? It would explain the aching feeling in my head, but it leaves me with one question: Where the hell am I? This makes no sense. One minute I was in the small town of Hurricane, and now I'm in what looks like a forest.

I sit up and let my eyes adjust to the light around me. Light? Wait, it's daytime. How long was I out? I quickly reach my feet, looking around as my messy brown hair falls over my face. "How did I get in a forest?" I murmur, moving my hair out of my face.

I hear the sound of crunching leaves from a distance, someone is coming. Quickly getting to my feet, I look around, searching for the source. "Hello?" I say, not too loud. I see people in hero costumes similar to the ones on TV. One looks at me, a woman with long black hair and gray eyes. "Hey kiddo, are you okay? You look freaked out," she asks. I nod in response. "May I know your name?" she asks, standing beside me. "Terrence, Terrence Afton," I answer. " Do you remember what happened?". A few minutes passed before I answered " I don't know, I woke up on the ground feeling like I fell from the sky!" I replied. "I see, do you know what your quirk is?" I gave her a blank look " What's a quirk?" She gave me a confused look, did I say something wrong " It's like a superpower," she said. I thought for a moment," I don't think I have one" I replay. "You're quirkless, my student is as well." She says with a smile." Now let's get you patched up looks like you got a good cut on your cheek." I cut my check I didn't even notice it was there nor that my cheek is bleeding.

Now we sat in what looked like a hospital room but I know better this place looks more like a school than a hospital

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Now we sat in what looked like a hospital room but I know better this place looks more like a school than a hospital. When we got here the women the woman introduced herself as Nana Shimura, a pro hero. I told her everything she wanted to know. From where I'm from, who my parents are, what school I went to. She had gone off to talk to someone about ten minutes ago.  Leaving me alone to ponder and collect my thoughts.

My mind went to what had happened earlier today. I was sitting in the living room with my younger brother Micheal playing with toys and keeping him company. My mom had entered the room a smile was on her face. I remember my mom's sweet voice as she looked at us. "Terrence dear, can you run to the store real quick? I'm using a few things for dinner," her words were still fresh in my mind. I nodded as she handed me some money and sent me off with a small list. beans, cabbage and carrots. I went to the store and got the items and started headed home and that's when things went weird. The only thing I did was turn left and then somehow ended up in the forest. My family must be worried sick.

The sound of the door opening got my attention I looked over to see Nana enter and she looked like she had something she wanted to talk about. "You okay? You look like you have something on your mind." she looked up at me for a second then came to sit down. "I had a friend do some digging into your family and we learned something that doesn't add up." she took a deep breath before she continued." Your family doesn't exist anywhere in the world," she spoke her words stung and didn't make any sense. How could they be real? My mom and dad my younger brother, this can't be real.

"That's impossible, they're real I know they are," I say with tears starting to form under my eyes. She only looked at me sadly and placed her hand on my shoulder. "I do have an offer for you till we figure this out. If you are up to it we can see if you can stay with me, you don't have to if you don't want to I just know that it would be better than the foster system." she's right, as far as the rest of the world knows I am alone. A teenage boy with nowhere to go and no family to return to. The foster system may be the one thing I never want to experience so it makes Mrs, Shimura's offer better stating with her would be best considering that post if the world apparently now has superpowers. Being one without any may be a problem in the system.

I looked up at Mrs, Shimura now calmer than I was.

"I'll take you on that offer Mrs, Shimura."

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