Chapter SIX- Dinner

Start from the beginning

We reached the bottom and entered the bustling kitchen, Bronn and the other cooks just finishing up, dishes coming out of the large oven and steaming plates being carried into the dining room.

It looked like you helped yourself in this pack, all the plates having their own dish on them, some piled high with steamed veggie's, whilst others held thick slices of tender looking meat, that and the large copper pot from earlier filled with rich looking soup, the broth I saw Bronn adding vegetables too when I'd met him.

My growling stomach helped me overcome my shy behaviour, not being used to being around so many people, hell for the past 19 years I'd only known my parents, this was a big change for me, one I certainly wasn't accustomed to.

Sten carried me into the dining room and I hid my face against his shoulder, feeling many eyes on me, the chatter quieting down slightly.

The pungent smell of so many werewolves stunned my nose, the smell of wolf, which was a yeasty smell akin to that of a damp dog but richer and deeper. That mixed in with everyone's own unique additions to that scent made my head swim.

I lifted up my blanket with a hand, burying my nose in the fabric to muffle the smells, drowning my nose in my own scent, which was now tinged with Sten's and Dom's. The result of being in that confined truck bed for hours and the fact that Dom had briefly held my blanket and my close proximity to Sten meant some of his scent seeped into the fibres.

Sten's scent didn't bother me as much, it more subtle and sweet, less offensive to my nose, Dom's was so distinct and potent, it overpowered my own in strong doses, I found I didn't like that, it was like his dominant personality, forcing his presence on everyone and demanding attention, respect and submission.

None of which cats were known well for.

Sten shifted his hold on me and lowered, and I felt soft yet firm fabric press against my bare leg, the smell of food growing ever stronger.

I peeked out from my hiding place, finding myself sat on his lap, straddling one of his thick thighs as he sat on a chair under the dinner table, the array of dishes on the table ever growing.

Other pack members sat in the chairs, conversing cheerfully and eyeing up the dishes already present, no doubt picking what they were going to go for first.

Sten had sat near the head of the table, divulging to me that his position was an elevated one, only a few spaces from the head seat, which a brooding Dom sat at, cheek pressed into a closed fist, one of his elbows resting on the table.

One of the she-wolves tried to start a conversation with him, the short distance meant she was also an elevated rank but the many werewolves animatedly chatting with their pack-mates meant she had to raise her voice in order to be heard.

Dom did hear her, his dark eyes glancing up and finding the source of the voice.

His lips pursed, mood still sour from earlier and the attention of a young she-wolf didn't seem to improve that like she had hoped.

She was pretty, in a way that young women were. Her skin smooth and unblemished, rich brown hair that went just beyond her shoulders had been brushed until it shined under the dining room lights.

Her glossed lips smiled sweetly at Dominicus, long lashes framing her hazel eyes that she blinked owlishly at him.

I was unfamiliar with the idea of flirting but she was clearly making a move on him.

She mustn't be going a good job as Dominicus merely stared for a few moments, almost like he was entertaining her to be courteous.

He looked away and went back to sulking, staring down at the grain of the table like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

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