"No, Mettaton needs to let his suit charge for a while," Inferno reassured. "He won't be on-stage when Frisk performs."

Everyone breathed a collective sigh of relief as Frisk stood up and yelled, "I'll be right there! Just let me find a guitar!"

Before Frisk could even turn around, Calibri was standing in front of his holding just the guitar he needed.

Frisk took the instrument and smiled up to Calibri as he signed, "ROCK ON, LITTLE DUDE! WE'LL BE RIGHT HERE!"

Frisk smiled as he took the guitar, nodded to him, smiled at Napstablook, and yelled back to Inferno, "Alright, I have the guitar! We're coming!"

Frisk walked over to the door. Burgerpants started to follow him, but Calibri put his hand on his shoulder.


"Don't have to tell me twice," Burgerpants whispered back quickening his pace to catch up with Frisk.

Frisk reached the door and whispered to Alphys, "Is it ready yet?"

"Yes, thankfully," Alphys said handing the phone back to Frisk. "There are some updates I'd like to talk to you about as soon as you get back, so be sure you get back. Okay?"

"Okay," Frisk whispered sliding the phone into his pocket and cracking open the door just wide enough for himself and Burgerpants to slip through.

"Alrighty," Inferno said willfully oblivious to all the action going on in the storage room. "Let's go. The amp is already set up on-stage for you."

The trio quickly made it back to the stage.

Frisk was considerably calmer knowing what they were planning, so he simply walked back on-stage to the applause of the entire audience. Frisk plugged in his guitar as Inferno brought him the microphone and a water bottle.

"Whenever you're ready, Frisk," Inferno said before he dashed off the stage.

Frisk looked at Burgerpants who was giving him a thumbs up from the stage's left wing. Mettaton was not present, so far, so good. This would be a cinch.

"The next song I'm performing is another one from Nirvana," Frisk said calmly into his mic as the audience finally started to die down. "This one is really special because it's one that my Dad taught me in one night so that we could send a video of us performing to my Mom while she was in…"

Frisk visibly hesitated in a way that caught Mettaton's interest from his dressing room as he watched on his phone, "the hospital. Anyway, I hope you like it. It's called 'Lithium.'"

Frisk began played the mellow yet reflective opening riff and started to sing as the memory of him performing with his Dad after that horrible day at school flashed back through his mind, "I'm so happy because today I've found my friends. They're in my head. I'm so ugly, but that's okay, 'cause so are you. We broke our mirrors. Sunday morning is every day for all I care. And I'm not scared. Light my candles in a daze 'cause I've found God!"

His Mom had been getting rehabilitated for a while. His parents returned to the faith of their youth and began attending services at the holy place with their friends. Frisk didn't mind. On Sunday mornings, they got to see his Mom. It was a bittersweet time, a time of healing but of separation. Even if the last part was temporary, it was still hard on Frisk and more so on his Dad than he realized at the time.

The simple riff changed for the more energized chorus as Frisk began remembering the tears going down his father's face while he sang, "Yeah! Yeah! Yeeeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! Yeah! Yeah! Yeeeeaaaaah!" over and over again before returning back to the simpler riff for the song's next part.

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