Chapter Thirteen: The Feeling Is Love

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A few weeks passed and everyone was really getting used to each other. Echo still thought that having Omega on board was a slight complication but he didn't complain verbally. Hunter and Kyla continued their courtship dance of flirting with each other and getting embarrassed by the other flirting as well as flirting with each other. Omega was... comfortable. Kyla didn't think Omega was comfortable at all when she laid against Gonky, the on ship robot. They needed to arrange the sleeping areas. Kyla stayed in Hunter's bunk. As leader, Hunter had his own room. Tech and Echo alternated sleeping and flying so they shared one of the hanging bunks and Wrecker had his own bunk as well because he was too big to share a bed with anyone. Kyla stayed with Hunter because of their relationship but while some may think they did things, they didn't.

"Well, that doesn't look comfortable, for either of you." Hunter blurts out, walking over to Omega who sat against Gonky.

"We're fine." Omega assures Hunter.

"Here. Chow time." Hunter states offering up a ration bar. Kyla wished they had something more than ration bars.

"Ah, finally!" Wrecker exclaims, jumping down from the gunner's nest and Hunter gives him a ration stick. Wrecker stuffed it into his mouth and Hunter smiled at Kyla.

"Hit me again." Wrecker states. Hunter closes the container.

"Well, that's all for now. Rations are low." Hunter explains. Wrecker whines. Omega looks at hers.

"You can have mine." Omega explains. Wrecker was going to accept it. Hunter pushes him back.

"Hey, Omega doesn't even have a place to sleep. You wanna take her food too?" Hunter asks in a whisper. Wrecker thought about it.

"Oh... Uh... No, no thanks. You keep it." Wrecker tells Omega.

"Okay." Omega states and sits down back against Gonky. Wrecker groans.

"I guess I'm not used to having a kid around here." Wrecker states.

"Well, none of us are, but she's not complaining." Hunter responds.

"We need to sort out the sleeping." Kyla whispers, "It seems that only Hunter and I get adequate sleep." Wrecker laughs.

"Are you sure?" Wrecker asks and Kyla elbows him in the side, "Ouch." The ship has a power surge and Kyla, Wrecker and Hunter look up.

"Echo, lights cut out again. I thought you fixed it?" Hunter asks.

"Yeah, add it to the list." Echo fires back, "The ship got hit hard when we fled Saleucami. Several systems have been glitching ever since. Repairs would go faster if I had some help."

"As soon as I finish building this scanner." Tech responds, "Testing the functionality of our inhibitor chips takes precedence."

"But I thought you said they were defective." Echo asks.

"Tech, what do you mean you need to test the functionality of your inhibitor chips?" Kyla asks.

"A theory this device will be able to prove." Tech explains, "Besides the ship-wide diagnostic report indicated no critical systems were compromised." The ship jolts as it comes out of hyperspace suddenly. Kyla screams as she gets slammed into Hunter who grabs onto her.

"Getting thrown out of hyperspace. I'd say that's pretty critical." Hunter states and he and Kyla head into the control area.

"It's not affecting life support. We're fine." Tech states.

"TECH." Kyla snaps.

"Are you kidding me?!" Hunter asks.

"The power capacitor's blown. We need to land immediately." Echo explains.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 19 ⏰

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