Chapter Five: Princess Turned Warrior!

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Echo starts giving the numbers for disarming the bomb and Kyla looks up. Her eyes widen as a pulse comes down towards Echo.

"They're onto us! You need to unplug now!" Tech exclaims before Echo gets shocked.

"Echo!" Kyla exclaims. Rex pulls him free and Tech checks him out.

"The server overloaded his neural system, and it appears deliberate." Tech explains.

"That means Trench knows we're here." Hunter states.

"General Windu, Trench took out Echo. We can't get you the last number in the sequence. Sorry, General, you'll have to disarm that bomb without us." Rex explains.

"Don't worry about me, Captain. Just get your men out of there." Windu replies.

"Yes, sir!" Rex exclaims and the group starts to head out.

"We got company!" Wrecker calls out as droids start shooting towards them and Crosshair is returning fire. They start shooting their way through. Wrecker was enjoying the fight.

"We can't blast our way out. There's too many of them!" Rex exclaims. Wrecker hands over his weapon and cracks his neck.

"What is he doing?" Rex asks. Wrecker bulldozes through them as he laughs having way too much fun.

"I honestly feel bad for those droids." Rex explains. Wrecker clears the path for them but they get flanked.

"More droids." Tech exclaims.

"Go, I'll buy you some time." Crosshair states.

"We'll meet you at the infiltration point." Rex tells Crosshair as he begins shooting.

"Oh, he's gonna try and top me! You watch!" Wrecker states.

"I don't think anyone can after that, Wrecker." Kyla explains. They get to the infiltration location.

"This is the infiltration point." Hunter states.

"I'm picking up dozens of droids on my sensors all heading this way." Tech states.

"I hope you're not waiting on me." Anakin states running over.

"Now all we're missing is Crosshair." Hunter states as Crosshair comes towards them.

"You miss me?" Crosshair asks, coming to a stop in front of them, "How touching." He aims for his mirrors and the shot starts bouncing all around the areas shooting all the droids as it goes.

"Show off." Kyla states and Wrecker stares in disbelief.

"Relax, Wrecker. You'll top him next time." Hunter states.

"No, he won't." Crosshair states and Wrecker starts crying. They get back to their ship and they leave. They get a good distance away.

"Got a present for you, Wrecker." Anakin states and holds up a bomb switch.

"Oh, seriously?!" Wrecker asks, "I get to blow it up? The whole stinking thing?!" Anakin nods and Wrecker takes the trigger.

"This is the happiest day of my life." Wrecker states. He hits the button and they fly away from all the fireworks.


"Captain Rex, Corporal Echo and Clone Force 99 you have all done a great service for the Republic. Thanks to your courage and effort, Republic shipyards will soon be up and running again." Windu states.

"You've got some medals coming your way." Kenobi states.

"Thank you, General." Rex states. The Jedi walk away and Rex follows. Echo stops and looks back at the team. Kyla stood off to the side as well.

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