Chapter Four: On the Wings of Keeradaks!

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"Hunter, hold them off. I'll check on Rex and Echo." Anakin states. Kyla jumped around attacking. She and the others are pushed back to the door. She starts using her blasters like the rest of them.

"So Echo is alive." Hunter states.

"That's good." Kyla states, "I'm glad that he's alive." They get pushed into the room.

"It's gonna get more difficult to get out of here. There are several squads of droids closing in." Hunter states. They work to keep the doors shut. They weld it together as Kyla ran over to Rex, Echo and Tech.

"Enemy approaching. Droids - lots of them." Crosshair states.

"How long do you think you can hold them off?" Anakin asks.

"How long do you need?" Hunter asks.

"Tech, how much longer?" Anakin asks.

"Not yet. I need more time." Tech states. They close the second door and weld it shut as a droid was trying to get in by making a hole in the door.

"I've got it! We can unplug him now!" Tech exclaims.

"Rex..." Echo states after they unplug him.

"What is it?" Rex asks.

"I've got a big headache." Echo jokes.

"Better to feel something than nothing, old buddy." Rex states.

"It's a touching reunion, guys, but we need to get out of here now." Anakin states. Echo coughs.

"There's an exhaust vent that leads to the cooling systems right there." Echo states.

"They've breached the front door! It won't be long before they're through the second." Hunter exclaims. Echo does something.

"That... should get it open." Echo states. The vent opens.

"Great. Now how do we get up there?" Crosshair asks.

"Oh, I can help with that." Wrecker states before picking Hunter up and throwing him up.

"A head's up would have been nice!" Hunter exclaims as he catches himself in the vent. Wrecker holds his hand out for Kyla and she nods.

"Chuck me." Kyla states.

"Alright!" Wrecker exclaims and throws her up into the air. Hunter grabs her hand and helps her hold on. He throws Echo and Tech next followed by Crosshair and then Rex. Anakin jumps up himself because he has force abilities. Wrecker sets up bombs to go off around the room.

"Are you done?! Time's up!" Anakin exclaims. Anakin uses the force to lift Wrecker up.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Wrecker exclaims, "What is that thing? I don't like it! It's trying to get me! Whoa!" The vent closes before there's an explosion. The group escapes through the vents. Crosshairs led the group followed by Hunter then Kyla. Kyla stuck close to Hunter. Tech followed behind her. Anakin followed behind Tech and Rex and Echo were behind him. Wrecker brought up the rear.

"Huh. This ventilation corridor acts as a cooling system for all the computers in the facility." Tech explains.

"How did you know it was up here, Echo?" Anakin asks.

"Well, they got access to my memory, and I got access to the Techno Union database. All their plans, inventory, building schematics–everything." Echo explains.

"You mean you can find us a safe way out of here?" Rex asks.

"Well, there is a way, but you're not going to like it." Echo replies. Everyone looks at him. They head to where it was and they stare at the little bridge that was just an exhaust pipe.

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