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Josh was confident enough and knew that he could make it out.

However, Greg seemed to be a little worried about it.

The competition is really hard, as well as the competitors.

It's time for the competition, and the shock came out then.

The competition's referee had chosen Greg and Josh to play against each other! Josh was buried alive.

He could never have imagined himself fighting against his best friend. But they both had to accept it. There were no weapons allowed for the time being, just hands and legs.

He wanted to win so bad, so he started playing against him aggressively.

They both took this competition seriously, and then Josh said: " I'm sorry for this," and he hit Greg with a closed fist on his face, Greg spit blood and his eyes were then filled with tears, and after this hit, Greg ran so fast and jumped on Josh, but Josh fast moved away and hit Greg on his back. Greg lifted and suddenly BOOM!!!

He hit Josh on his stomach, and it was hurting so bad, but Josh didn't give up and completed! The fight was on fire!!!

The referee's eyes were so open and wide. He was so surprised by the two boys' power and strength!

The referee didn't concentrate on that hundreds of competitors but them.

Then, the referee called the competition's creator to see what strength these kids had. He was extremely amazed.

Whenever one of them fell down, he got up and didn't let their pain control them.

2 hours passed, and all the competitors finished fighting except for them. They were both bleeding and extremely tired, but none of them had given up.

The referee saw them extremely tired and knew that he had to stop the fight, so he stopped the fight, and it was a draw.

Then the competition's creator said: " Both of you are accepted between the 10 ninja we're picking even if you didn't play the next matches. Both of your motivations are excellent and attractive, and I like your confidence! You boys are true ninjas, ready to fight with your blood, strong lion kings!"

And he said to Josh: " And you little sasuke, you're great! You know why I'm calling you sasuke, same as him with your moves, strength, and motivation! I am a big fan of you!"

Then Josh smiled and said: " Without blood, then you're not a ninja, every bruise on your body is a sign of an unforgettable adventure that a ninja had in his life, and I'm proud of myself, and you, Greg."

Greg smiled and fell on the floor and slept, and Josh did the same thing and slept too after a tyring day.

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