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Miami, Florida
Carter Thom

I was on my to meet up with Tokyo ,since there was something she wanted to discuss. I still don't trust her trifling ass even if she's the one that ended things with Jakari,she always cooking up some devious plan to mess up people's lives and I wasn't gonna let her mess up my brother's life or anyone I knows lite for that matter. I got to the restaurant where she told us to meet and I saw her sitting outside drinking a glass of wine.

"You finally made it" she smiled as she stood up to hug me

"Yeah,you said it was urgent" I smiled as I gave her a side hug. And we sat down.

"How are you?" She asked

"I'm good,how about you" I smiled a bit

"I'm enjoying life" she chuckled as I knew what she was going to say

"That's great " I smiled

"Sorry I called you on such short notice" Tokyo cheesed

"Get to the point Tokyo,I don't have time for your sweet talk" I sighed

"Fine,do you know a girl named Nairari Burns?" She asked as she took a sip of her wine

"Why is it so important for me to know her?" I laughed

"I heard she's a stripper,well an ex stripper who managed to pull your brother Jakari" Tokyo laughed in disbelief

"Yeah I know her,she is dope actually,very straightforward and a great mother and her friends are amazing,but why do you care about her" I explained

"She took something that's mine and that's Jakari" Tokyo chuckled

"You broke up with Jakari because you said he was too stingy with his money and because he refused to give you money because you were assumedly pregnant,so now you calling him yours, listen here Tokyo and listen carefully whatever your planning to do won't work and you'll get your karma,you think I don't know about the robbery you pulled on Jakari at his house in Chicago?" I gritted my teeth as I grabbed her arm

"Fine fine you caught me,I'm not gonna let that.Bitch Nairari take a dime of Jakari's money,money that was supposed to be mineee and trust me I'm ready to get rid of Nairari even if it's the last thing I do " Tokyo laughed as she yanked her arm back .

"You better watch your back Tokyo,I wouldn't wanna be on your position cause the way I know Jakari,he ain't gonna let you go anywhere near Nairari and her son" I spat

"You think I'm scared of you and your family?? Think again,I'm not backing down without a fight Carter and mark my words" Tokyo laughed

"You're starting a war you won't be able to finish and this time I won't spare you,it was lovely talking to you and oh make sure you check both sides of the road when crossing or when driving,cause Karma is coming for you no matter where you are,what you do or what you say. Karma's a bitch and so is life" I laughed and I stood up and walked away leaving her speechless.

I got in my car and drove to Jakari's place to explain everything that happened with Tokyo. I'm not gonna let Tokyo hurt my family including Nairari and Isaiah,not when I'm still alive. Once I got to Jakari's place I got out my car and walked to the front door getting in ,the alarm went off and Jakari switched it off.

"I knew it was you" Jakari laughed as he dapped me up

"Wassup lil bro" I smiled

"Everything is good,hbu" he cheesed

"I'm alright,there's something we need to discuss" I sighed

"Alright no problem,let's go to the back" Jakari smiled and we walked to the backyard.

"Is Nairari here?" I asked as I saw her slippers outside on the veranda

"Yeah,she's upstairs asleep with Isaiah" Jakari smiled

"Alright,good" I smiled at we sat down under the sun hut.

"What you wanna discuss about?" Jakari asked getting concerned

"I met up with Tokyo ,said she has something to discuss with me" I explained

"What lies is she cooking up now,I hope it doesn't ruin my career like last time" Jakari huffed

"She asked me about Nairari and how you fell for a stripper,she's out to hurt Nairari and they she sounded was very serious,that girl is crazy Jakari, we gotta protect Nairari and Isaiah at all costs" I explained further

"It's quite dangerous for them to stay in their apartment now but Nairari ain't gonna allow to stay here for a long ass time especially if we aren't dating" Jakari sighed

"You did put a security system in their house and it's connected to your phone,so if anything happens you can see all the footage and then use it against Tokyo if she decides to go there" I suggested

"That's a great idea,I'll make sure I'm with Nairari everytime she goes out so nothing happens to her,we have to make sure everyone is safe including her friends,they are also targets" Jakari sighed

Once we finished discussing what needed to be discussed ,we thought of a great plan to get back at Tokyo so we were 4 steps ahead of her. Nairari and Isaiah joined us outside and headed to the basketball court and got a ball and started playing with Isaiah.

"Mommy look" Isaiah cheesed as he bounced the ball

"Well done baby,throw me the ball " Nairari laughed and Isaiah threw her the ball , she made a shot And it went through the hoop.

"Wowwww,how did you learn to do that mommy" Isaiah screamed with excitement

"Just know your mama is good at everything" Nairari laughed

"My mommy is so cool" Isaiah cheesed

"Do you wanna try?" Nairari smiled as she got the ball and carried Isaiah on her shoulders.

"Did she really just out him on her shoulders with no struggle?" I asked in disbelief

"She is quite strong for a 5'3 person" Jakari laughed as he continued admiring Nairari

"Have you held the ball properly?" Nairari asked Isaiah

"Yes mommy" Isaiah smiled

"Alright now throw the ball with all your strength at the board" Nairari instructed him and he threw it right into the hoop.

"I did it mommy" Isaiah screamed

"Yes you did baby,I'm so proud of you" Nairari laughed and she got Isaiah down and they started doing a little dance

"I did my little dance on tiktok and went viral with it" Isaiah sang and they start doing the tiktok dance which made me laugh.

"For someone who dances alot,you really can't dance for real" Jakari.joked making Nairari run towards us and jumped on Jakari making him fall back on the chair

"I couldn't hear you,speak up" Nairari laughed as she tickled Jakari and he tickled her back

"I said what I said" Jakari laughed making Nairari laugh uncontrollably

"Stopppp,stoppp I'm sorry" Nairari laughed as Jakari stopped tickling her and made her sit on his laps, Isaiah ran towards us as sat on his Nairari's laps.

"Y'all really have fun huh" I smiled as I admired them

" We really do " Nairari laughed .

We talked about many things and laughed together throughout the rest of the day. Being around the people you love is fun.





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