Chapter 36

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Tandai typo(s)
Votes and comments for the next chapter.

(A/n:This isn't the II task chapter)

Happy reading!

Y/n terpaksa menemui harry dan hermione karna ron memaksanya.
Gadis itu berjalan dengan malas sementara ron terus menerus menarik tangannya.

"Oh ayolah y/n!
Kita harus mencari tau apa yang harus mereka lakukan untuk tantangan ke 2!"
Ucap ron

"For what?"
Tanya y/n.

"Untuk membantu harry dan yang lainnya.
Bukankah kita harus memperingatkan mereka?
Cedric Diggory juga pasti ingin tau"
Ucap ron.

"Ron,for once in our life,can we just let him die?"
Tanya y/n
"I mean,potter-"

"You being rude y/n"
Ucap ron

"You sounds like cedric now"
Ucap y/n.

Baru saja melihat hermione dan harry,kedua murid Gryffindor itu malah berjalan ke arah lain.

Teriak ron.

Hermione dan harry menghentikan langkah mereka.

"Ayo,harry sudah tau apa yang harus dia lakukan"
Ucap Hermione saat y/n dan ron sudah berada di samping mereka.

"Dia tau dari mana?"
Tanya ron

"Cedric memberitahunya"
Ucap Hermione.

"Be careful,if you forgot,a half of dumstrang is in here, their headmaster was a death eater"
Ucap y/n

Tanya harry

"And there's something called polyjuice potion,dumbass.
You can't just do what other people tell you to do"
Ucap y/n

"I'll make sure the prefect bathroom is safe"
Ucap hermione.

"The prefect bathroom?"
Tanya y/n

"Ya,kata cedric-"

"Granger,come with me"
Ucap y/n
"We'll make sure it safe"

"Thank you"
Ucap harry

"I didn't do this for you"
Ucap y/n lalu pergi bersama hermione


Sesampainya di depan kamar mandi prefek,y/n dan hermione saling menatap saat mendengar langkah kaki seseorang.

"Someone's here"
Ucap hermione.

"I thought Dumbledore told everyone to go to great hall"
Ucap y/n

"He did.
But not for this one,i guess"
Ucap Hermione.

"I'll go first"
Ucap y/n

"I don't think we need that"
Ucap hermione saat melihat y/n mengeluarkan sebuah pisau kecil dari dalam saku jubahnya.

"The last time i didn't bring my knife,cho chang found me bleeding to death,so i think we need it"
Ucap y/n

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐈𝐌Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang