37. Just Two Kids

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In this one, I purposely made Ahsoka seem like that kind of teen when she was younger so you are able to compare to her present self vs. when Anakin just became her guardian. Keep in mind, I mentioned in previous chapters that Ahsoka does not have all the information regarding Shmi's death, so she often doesn't know how to cope properly with loss.

Also, I want you guys to imagine a certain part as a 'witness protection' because that's what makes the most sense in their scenario.

I apologize this is such a sad time in the book, but bear with me I'm begging you. ❤️


~Ahsoka's POV~

Ochre drops splashed into the hot mug of water with each dip and pull of the tea bag. I made sure to add the lemon, honey, and sugar just how he likes it before creaking upstairs.

Once we got home from the hospital, it was as if Anakin forced himself into his own coma. Padme was so unwell, Poe had stayed behind in the house to watch over her, and didn't leave until we came home. She had fallen asleep on the couch, and he came to get her the next day.

Aayla and Maul brought us and Artey back in an extremely uncannily melancholic ride. Anakin stepped foot into his room, and didn't come out.

He still hasn't.

I knocked on the cracked door, receiving no answer. "I brought you tea." I walked to the side of the bed setting the mug down on a coaster next to the many others. He barely touched any of them. The only thing that has moved in this room was the positions of his body. Everything else was completely untouched. "You have to eat more than bread..."

Nothing, again. However, I got a head shake, further knotting his hair in the pillow. Unlike himself, I don't think I possess a soothing touch. That was never a case with me. Anakin always knew what to say, what to do for me, like it was his destiny to be my guardian...


Flashback: Ahsoka and Anakin

I sat on the cemented steps outside of our home, plugged into my music that Anakin had quickly  situated on for me with wild eyes. There were people running in and out of the house all dressed in different uniforms. Some, I didn't recognize. That was until I caught the heavy vests that secured radios and displayed the last names of each officer.

The outside noise was beginning to overcome my song as yellow tape was stripped around the perimeter of our home. I reeled in and straightened my feet each time a person rushed in or out of the door, coming back out with plastic bags of different small belongings.

I carefully peeked my head into our house once I was sure nobody else was coming out. I had already smacked forehead first into someone's shin as they were kicking out a step. Anakin was sat on the edge of the sofa, sunken into the cushions while both of his hands fidgeted under the pockets of his hoodie. This, I couldn't understand. It was particularly hot today, and why his hair was shielded by a hood, wasn't comprehensible.

"Can I come in now?" I shouted with both ears still entertained.

Anakin did no more than switch his eyes to mine and shake his head. "Stay," he mouthed.

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