36. She

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added someone to the cast list because it's about time. I think you'll love who I chose for Satine...
❗️This is an extremely heavy chapter. Discretion is heavily advised
❗️ TW: graphic depictions of injuries/surgery, threatening, fighting, murder (don't worry!)

~Miles' POV~

"You have a mere two seconds." I tauntingly stirred the honey into my mug of tea, anticipating the impending news that will cease the peeling anger that eats at my flesh. It will finally be over. "Spit. It. Out."

"It's done." The pathetic man dropped the bow from his mud-smeared hands on the wooden table beside me, as well as the remaining two arrows. Which means he got a first straight shot. "Your problems are now poof-" his hands demonstrated a disappearance, "gone."

As if a pool of warm water was coating over me, I laid back in my lounge chair allowing myself to sink into the cushions. My eyes closed as I sighed a breath I've been holding in all night. "Give me the details. Talk me to sleep."

"One instantly started screaming. I think she burst my eardrums-"


"The blonde looked like a standing corpse. Just frozen." Wickedly, I grinned. That says something about my psyche... and that therapy isn't working. "Got chased... hid, thankfully. And now, I want what was promised."

Everybody who has ever said that money doesn't buy you happiness, is the biggest fucking liar who's ever lived. Now I get y/n back. Now I get what was once mine. Now, Anakin is finally eradicated.

I reached into my pocket, pulling out a wad of hundreds. "Ten thousand. You've redeemed yourself, Mark." The paper made a satisfying smack in his palm. "Highly appreciated."

"I wouldn't count on that money coming so soon, Miles. If he doesn't splurge on a funeral."

Who would splurge on a funeral- "Come again?"

"The shot went between her ribs. And he screamed like a pussy."

Each follicle of hair stood erect on my skin, causing sharp pricks to rain down my body.


He cracked my door open. "What?"

"Who'd you shoot."

"Y/n?" I sat still in the chair. Scanning the uneasy contortions of his face with a blank expression. My jaw clenched so hard I could feel the creaks in my teeth that were on the limits of shattering, like nails on a chalkboard. "You said to get rid of the problem..."

But I rest. "I did say that, didn't I?" I set the mug on the small table beside me. My locked knees shot me to stand on my own, giving my arms the spring to push my body up and on my feet. "Well feel free to leave. Thanks for the help."

"Sure." Mark spun his body before following his head with a spot.

In this moment, my conscious seemed to have evaporated into thin air. My impulses became screaming desires as I focused in on the sides of his throat, trying to detect the microscopic thump of his heartbeat.

My feet heel-toed in a dead silent pace to the door as his hand met the knob. "Oh, one more thing."


Hurricane // (AU) Anakin SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now