Chapter One

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(Listen to music for the aesthetic)

Valeria clenches her fist in anger as she stares at the glass that has shattered on the floor.

"Lucia. Clean this mess up." She orders.

Lucia, her personal maid, nods. "Yes, my lady." She leaves the common room to go get the cleaning supplies.

Valeria sighs and rubs her temple. She was already irritated enough as it is. Now, her favorite book (with the author's signature) was now ruined with red wine.

The late night was the only time Valeria had time to relax, and now everything was ruined. She was busy with duties concerning the estate her family (but it's mostly Valeria doing the work) owns out of town. Recently, there was new trouble involving the quality of the rooms. It has been quite a while since they have gotten any renovation because they were not making enough profits in order to do anything.

Valeria had a suspicion that her step-father Nashton Edwards, a very serious man who is addicted to alcohol and gambling, was behind this. Her mom, Victoria Mercia, was no help. And her sister wouldn't know anything about business.

A knock is heard at the door.

"Come in." Valeria says, thinking it was Lucia.

She was very wrong.

Instead, a beaming Diana came rushing in. Her mere presence was enough to piss Valeria off. She was always outgoing and care-free, two traits that Valeria wished she had.

"Diana, should you not be in bed by now?" Valeria asks coldly.

"I should, but I come bearing news." Diana says happily.

"Whatever it is, I am sure it can wait until morning. I am tired and so should you."

"But it is a letter from Lord Balies."

Valeria pauses. Edmund. Her darling Edmund. His blonde hair let loose, his eyes a dark emerald green and rarer than any jewel someone could find. His skin was pale as if it was snow, but he himself was never cold.

He was Valeria's forbidden secret. If anybody knew, they wouldn't call Valeria's feelings towards him as love, but rather an obsession.

Edmund and Valeria have been friends since childhood, and over time Valeria has gained feelings for him naturally. Whatever he did, she did. Whatever he liked, she liked.

"What did it say?" Valeria asks, not trying to seem interested.

"Well, he has invited the both of us for breakfast together. Just the three of us." Diana says.

Valeria slowly nods. It has been a while since she has last seen Edmund. She was too caught up in her work to have time for anyone else, let alone to breathe. Valeria would have to get her work done earlier if she wanted to see him.

"When?" Valeria asked.

"In three days time from now. Noon." Diana answers.

"I shall be attending, then."

Diana beams, reaching her arms out for a hug but Valeria stops her.

"There is glass in the floor."

Diana looks down, noticing the broken glass. "Whatever happened?"

"I was just being clumsy. And you need to be in bed."

Diana sighs. "But—"


Diana frowns, but listens to her older sister, anyway. She opens the door and looks at Valeria one more time. "Goodnight, sister." Diana says before leaving.

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