Chapter 2

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Caleb grabbed Emma's hand in between class and dragged her off to his car, normally Emma would be happy about this but she had other things on her mind. They got in the backseat and he climbed on top of her, but once he began kissing her neck she pushed him away.
He sat up and looked at her with a curious eye, "Emma? What's wrong?" He asked.
Emma's lip quivered and she sat up placing her hands in her lap and looking down, "I...I think I'm pregnant" she whispered sadly, but Caleb heard.
"What?!" He stated.
Emma didn't respond, just twirled her thumbs while she looked down, she felt more ashamed and scared than ever before. After not responding Caleb grabbed her shoulders and shook her, "What?!" He asked again.
She looked away from his gaze, "I-I think I'm pregnant" she repeated even quieter than before.
Caleb shoved her, her back smacked against the door but she didn't even flinch.
"Damn it!" He pounded his fist on the back of the seat in front of him. Emma began becoming scared of what he would do, "I-It's not for sure..." she reminded him even though she was confident she was.
He looked at her with anger, "You better believe your not" his low voice almost came out as a growl.
Emma nodded and looked out the window, tears threatening to escape her eyes.
"You take a test tonight and figure this out, don't speak to me unless it's answers. Now get out" he stated.
"What?" She asked confused and hurt.
"I said, Get. Out."
Emma slowly climbed out of the door and walked away from her boyfriend and his nice car feeling destroyed. She'd trusted him, she gave him her body, and he threw her away like garbage like, it didn't even hurt. As Emma continued to walk and think, she decided it'd be best for her not to be at school. So she ran, she ran with tears streaking her face to the only place she knew, Forest Park.

An hour had passed when Adrien's phone rang, startling Marinette out of her slumber, "w-what's that?" She mumbled.
Adrien looked and his brow furrowed, "The school..." he replied.
Marinette sat up worried, "Oh no! What happened, I knew it! Oh my gosh, something happened to Emma!" She panicked.
Adrien walked to her and sat down beside her on the couch, "I'm sure everything is fine" he placed an arm around her before picking up the phone.
"Hello?" He asked.
"Hi, Is this Adrien Agreste?" A lady on the opposite end asked.
"Yes.." Adrien squeezed Marinette's shoulder.
"We just wanted to call and see if Emma is with you guys, she was absent from 5th period and we didn't see a checkout," Adrien's breath caught in his throat.
"No, she's not here" he stated.
The lady was quiet for a moment, "Do you want us to call the police?"
"No, that's not necessary, I'll find her" Adrien then hung up the phone and looked at his worried wife.
"What happened?!" She asked frantically.
"Emma's not at school, holy shit Emma isn't at school!" Adrien stood up and grabbed his keys, "Come on Mari, we'll find our baby girl, then I'll kill her" he pulled Marinette off of the couch.

Marinette stumbled but was caught by her strong husband, he smirked, "You can't walk m'lady" he glowed with pride.
Marinette frowned, "I can too! Just a bit sore, and we have bigger things to worry about!" She stated standing up and fixing her skirt.
"Right, let's go" Adrien placed a large hand on Marinette's lower back and led her out of the office to his car.

While Adrien drove Marinette called to let everyone know they'd be out of work for the rest of the day. She also made a few calls to find out Emma's whereabouts. Emma almost shit herself when she heard her father's loud voice behind her. She quickly wiped her face of tears and turned around just in time for her dad to scoop her up in a bear hug.
"Thank God your safe!" He stated.
"Why the hell are you here and not at school?" Emma looked up and saw the other parent of hers who wasn't as happy to see her.

Marinette's hands were on her hips as she stared at Emma with an expectant look, Adrien then let go of his precious daughter and joined his wife. With matching expectant looks on their faces, Emma thought she was going to crack. But somehow she managed to keep it together, "I just wanted to get a break from school, it wasn't an important class so I figured it was ok" she explained stuffing her hands into her pockets.
"You can't just ditch school like that! Important class or not. We had to miss work for this, not to mention you almost gave me a heart attack!" Marinette stated.
"Us almost gave us a heart attack," Adrien corrected her matter-of-factly.
"I'm sorry guys...I am, I just needed a break.." Emma looked down even more ashamed than before. First her boyfriend, now her parents? Could her day get any worse? Tears welled in her eyes but she fought to keep them back.

Adrien softened at the look of his little girl, "It's ok baby, come here" he opened his welcoming arms.
Emma longed to be in her dad's arms but she couldn't, if she did she'd for sure break and she had to stay strong. She shook her head, "It's ok Dad, I'm fine...can we just go home?" She asked.

Adrien was partly hurt by Emma's rejection but he didn't let it get to him, instead, he nodded and looked at Marinette who had a worried expression on her face. She stopped her daughter before getting into the car, "remember you can tell me anything," she reminded.
Emma nodded, "I know, Thanks mom"
Inside, Emma's heart shattered into a million pieces, but she held it all in and just kept walking.

That night Emma lay in bed thinking, her parents were sound asleep and it was just her and her thoughts. But after a while, Emma couldn't take it anymore. She needed answers, definite answers to if her suspicions were true or not. With that in mind, she got out of bed, put on her shoes, and walked out the door.

It was scary walking in the dark but again, Emma had bigger things to worry about. Thankfully Emma made it to the drugstore without a scratch on her. Emma wandered the aisles looking for the pregnancy tests in a huff, she looked tired and scared and quickly drew the attention of another lady.
"Do you need some help?" A young woman asked the teenager.
Emma scanned her for a moment and nodded, "I'm looking for the pregnancy tests, it's for my mom" she said tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
The woman smiled and led her over to an aisle, "this one works best," she handed her a box and Emma nervously took it.
"If you need anything just ask, good luck" she lightly patted her shoulder before walking away.

Emma quietly snuck back into the house after a long dreadful walk home. Her parents were still asleep as she crept up the stairs to her room. Once inside she quietly shut the door and flicked on the light, she then walked to the bathroom.

5 minutes later Emma was staring at the test that was faced down on the counter. Her hands were shaking as she picked up the test. She let out a breath of air and closed her eyes before flipping over the test. One simple, life-changing word. Pregnant.

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