Capítulo 5: Coincidencia

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It was quite a fun exchange I have to say and the girl looked pretty pretty so I was happy for my new friend, I looked at my hand and saw the Great Ball while thinking about all the kinds of Pokemon I could use it in, I said to myself:- this Great Ball has to be special, I'll use it on my first catch, so I'll wait for the moment until a Pokémon that I consider special appears."

And as if it were the signal for him to make his debut, I heard a loud "Pid!" - only to turn around and see on the roof of the business in front of the Pokemart a small Pidgey with a brown spot on his beak.


- So you came back, huh? - I said in a funny tone as the little Pidgey flew from the roof to my shoulder and then nibbled on my ear playfully: - hahaha hey buddy please don't eat me. - I said while laughing at the antics of little Pidgey who seemed quite entertained bothering me.

-I don't really believe in fate Pidgey, but I think it's no coincidence that I find you right after I get this. - I said as I showed little Pidgey the Great Ball that had just been given to me, - What do you say little friend? Don't you want to go on a journey with the next Champion of the region?" Pidgey didn't seem to quite understand what the Great Ball was, but he seemed quite pleased because he sensed that I wanted to be his friend.

His answer to my question was to flap his wings and fly around me with a low flight and then give me a little push that knocks me to the ground. -Wow! For being so small you really are very strong! - I exclaimed, realizing that I was underestimating the Pidgey because of its size, forgetting that it was a Pokemon in its own right.

Getting up with a jump I gave a push to the little Pidgey who stopped for a moment worried to see if I was okay and I started to run while laughing at the dumbfounded face of my new friend, the Pidgey came out of his confusion and instinctively understanding the game immediately took flight and caught up with me in a matter of seconds to throw me back to the ground with a very slight Tackle.

Yes, it's true, mentally I'm an adult and I don't think it's very well seen to play tag with a bird, but come on! It's a Pokémon! This Pidgey is basically the Pokémon that opened my eyes to this world, the first Pokémon I could touch and the first Pokémon to be my friend, if it is frowned upon to want to please him more by playing with him then it is not relevant to me, besides it is practically a baby, it is important that before capturing it I can trust me and develop well.

So after that little justification on my part I spent a couple more hours playing with the Pidgey, which surprised me quite a bit since I basically spent it running for hours and still didn't feel completely tired, I think bodies in this world are stronger than in my previous world because this amount of exercise would have left me on the floor after a short time still in my best physical condition as an adult.

I think under normal circumstances we could keep playing for a few more hours, but we stopped abruptly when we heard a roar coming from the south of where we were, quite curious, I told Pidgey. -Hey, I think it could be a battle, do you want to keep an eye on it? -. The little Pidgey, not understanding everything that was going on, flew to my shoulder before I started running to find out that I was making all that fuss.

Located a few streets to the south, very close to the entrance of Pewter City you could see a park with a combat arena in relatively good condition, around it you could see several trainers talking to each other and looking at the center of the arena I could see a Nidorino and a Gengar engaging in battle.

A few feet behind the Nidorino, on the left side of the arena, was a trainer in a blue jacket who shouted instructions to his Pokémon: - Quick Nidorino, jump and use Peck on Gengar! - The Nidorino, without stopping to think about the order, took a long leap and lunged straight to where the Gengar was, its horn illuminating with a white light.

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