Shepard stood and stretched her arms above her.

"Is it done?" Garrus asked.

Shepard noticed that he sat on the makeshift bed looking at her.

How long has he been staring? She wondered.

"Just need a chip," Shepard replied going to grab something to eat. "I'll have to go look for it tomorrow."

Garrus nodded but didn't reply. Cautiously, Shepard went to sit on the bed as well. She glanced at Garrus who stiffened up next to her.

"I'm not going to bite," Shepard muttered. "Relax."

"I'm not worried about being bitten," Garrus said. "I would enjoy it."

Shepard froze as she was about to eat her energy bar. She narrowed her eyes at him.

"I-um I'll keep that in mind," Shepard replied shaking her head and finishing her small meal.

"Is that something you aliens do?" Garrus asked, sounding skeptical.

"I-um sometimes," Shepard replied unsure. "We could. We do other things too."

Shepard glanced at him and looked away. She could feel her cheeks warming up. She didn't think he would ask something like that!

"We like biting," Garrus stated. "It's normal for us to do it during sex. Is it the same for your species?"

"It can be... Some find it ...enticing," Shepard said mentally kicking herself. Why did she say that?

This is good, the voice chirped.

Shut it, Shepard warned.

"With your blunt teeth?" Garrus asked surprised.

"Yes, they can be painful."

Garrus looked at her like she was lying.

"Do you want me to show you?" Shepard asked sarcastically.

"Yes," came his reply.

Bite him, the voice encouraged.

Shepard gaped at him. Was his for real?

"We only do that with our sexual partners," Shepard said. "I hope you can understand."

"What else do you aliens do?" Garrus continued.

"Besides biting?" Shepard asked.

Garrus nodded.

Do you need help with this question, the voice asked.

I said shut it, Shepard repeated. I don't need help.

You haven't seen any action for several decades, the voice stated. I wasn't sure if you knew what went on between two adults.

Shepard wanted the sand to swallow her whole. How did their conversation come to this?

"We do other things," Shepard deflected without going into any details.

"How do you survive?' Garrus asked.

Shepard choked on her spit. "What?"

"You look fragile," Garrus continued.

She was shocked. What was she supposed to say to that?

"I assure you we're not that weak," she replied. "There are a billion of us on our planet. We know how to reproduce."

"Show me," Garrus said.

Shepard's eyebrows rose all the way to her hairline. Show him?!

Ooh, do it!

"Show you how we reproduce?" Shepard asked making sure she understood his request. "Are you the male of your species? I don't think I can show you otherwise."

It was Garrus's turn to look at her with a weird expression on his face. Garrus rubbed his neck and looked away.

"I don't think the two of us can reproduce," he muttered giving her a once-over. "I, er, meant how are you not fragile."

Shepard nodded feeling the awkwardness of the situation.

"We humans are very resilient," she said. "We stay within our species for reproduction, for obvious reasons. We have an average tolerance to heat and cold. Our planet has different weather conditions we survive in. Our land mass is surrounded by water. We know how to survive."

"Hmmm, you resemble an asari," Garrus said.

"A what?" she asked unsure if she understood what he meant.

"Another species we live with," Garrus explained. "Expect that they are a bit taller, your fringe is different, and your skin color."

Another alien, the voice simplified.

"Ah," Shepard said. "I don't have anyone else to compare you to."

A dinosaur, the voice supplied.

With those teeth, I would dare, Shepard said looking at Garrus.

"Are we the first species you've run into?" Garrus asked.

"Yes," she replied. "What an encounter."

Garrus agreed silently.

"I am the male of my species," Garrus continued. "I'm above average."

Above average, the voice teased. You got lucky. Now we have something to compare his species to.

"I'm sure your partner is very lucky."

"Are you above average?" Garrus asked looking at her.

What a loaded question. Say yes.

"My species have different standards when it comes to average and above average. We come in different body shapes and sizes. The males of our species have different preferences."

Garrus nodded looking thoughtful. "Your species sounds complicated."

"Yes. I know."

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