"What reason would I have to lie to you." He answered.

Hmm. Good point. Maybe being a little shit isnt the best idea right now. "Sorry."

"You apologize a lot."


"Dont say it again."

"Fine." I huffed out.

"Its late why arent you in bed. Dont you have school?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"I dont sleep much. And i was just asleep for two weeks im good."

"Any particular reason you dont sleep?"

I bit my lip as I listened to the background noise in the call. The familiar voices of my father and rebekah talking. I couldnt makeout what they were saying. But they don't seem to be paying attention to the conversation.

"Nightmares mostly." I finally responded.

"Do you get nightmares often?" He asked.

"Only sometimes." Total lie. Almost every time I slept i was plagued with them.

I leaned back listening in to the background again as I heard Rebekah laugh over something my father had said. They sound happy. This call was a mistake. They dont need a teenager ruining their lives.

"I should go. Its late..."

"Alright. Goodnight Nikolai." He spoke as U ended the call.

I sighed and finished off he cigarette before letting down the silencing spell and putting out the sage. I moved to sit in the window as my legs dangled out. A cool breeze blew through the room.

I paused noticing a vehicle I hadnt seen in years. No it couldnt be. Just a similar one. Must be a coincidence. The neighbours probably have company over or something. I couldnt see through the windshield or windows. But U felt eyes on me.

I shuddered and closed the window, pulling the curtains closed as I fell onto my bed with a sigh.

"Connors gone nik... youre safe..." i spoke to myself in a whisper as I stared up at the glow in the dark stars that dotted the ceiling.

I looked down at as my phone dinged. A new message.

Elijah- If you ever need someone to talk to im here.

Me- alright. Thank you.

I heard the faint sound of skyes door clicking open. I vampsped to my own opening it to find her halfway down the hall already. She was sneaking out to meet with this college guy. His names connor. Gods how common is that name. I followed her silently til we were outside.

"Where you goin?" I finally spoke as she nearly jumped out of her skin and whipped around to face me.

"Dont do that!" She whisper yelled.

I smirked. Startling her was fun.

"Im going to meet up with my new boyfriend."

Theyre dating already? Well i guess its been two weeks. Alright. Still doesnt mean i dont want her to be safe.

"I havent met him yet. How do I know he wont murder you?" I joked lightly as she sent me another glare.

"He visited you in the hospital with me. Even brought you a gift." She answered a smile on her face as she remembered. "Hes really sweet and hes a witch too."

Connor. Magic. Had to be a crazy coincidence. Im letting my paranoia get the best of me. Hes dead. I killed him. This is just some witch boy with the same name. Calm down nikolai.

"Promise youll be safe?" I finally spoke as she looked st me.

"I promise nik."

"Alright. Go have fun. Just be back before 6 or nyx will have your head."

She smiled, kissing my cheek before she walked across the road to the vehicle i had seen earlier. Too many coincidences. I watched as she got in and they drove off. I couldnt shake the sinking feeling in my gut. The dread that I had been feeling for the last few months. It was getting worse.

As they drove by the breeze carried over their scents and I froze. No, that can't be right. I have to be imagining things. Id know that scent anywhere.

My hand instinctively went to the brand mark along my shoulder. I could feel the phantom heat from the raised skin where it sat. My heart beat thundered in my chest as I started to go into a panic. That scent was so similar to his.

I turned and booked it into the woods. Running as fast and as far as I could. I didnt stop til my legs felt like they were numb and my lungs burned. I collapsed to my knees in a broken sob as I felt the panic overwhelm me. I didnt register the loss of thoughts or the drastic change in the scenery around me.

I lay on the cold ground curled into the fetal position for hours. My whole body shook as I finally forced myself to sit up and wipe away the tears. The sun was poking up from the horizon already. The sound of my phone blaring finally reached my ears as I came back to myself. I shakily dug it out of my pocket. Caroline was calling.

"Hello?" My voice came out more broken then i would have liked.

"Nik? Thank god ive been trying to call you for three hours. So have your mom and sisters. Where are you?"

"I dont... i dont know... i started having.. having a panic attack and just ran... im sorry for making... making everyone worry..."

"Hey, hey its okay. Breathe baby. Focus on my voice. Breathe." She spoke as I focused all my hearing on the call.

The familiar beating of her heart, the air rushing in and out of her lungs with each breath, the blood rushing through her veins. I copied her breathing as she talked me down from the residual panic.

"Thank you love..." i spoke as i stood up, brushing the dirt from my body.

"You dont have to thank me nik. Now can you look around and see if theres any indicators to your location?" She asked, i could hear her mom and nyx asking questions in the background.

I looked around. Nothing looked familiar. This was a different forest then the one surrounding mystic falls. I walked a bit before coming to a familiar tree. The bark was scarred near the ground with three initials carved into it.

"Yeah... i know where i am now..." i spoke softly as i made my way to the tree, kneeling down and ghosting my fingers over the carving.


"The old cabin," i stood back up and walked around the tree. The cabin would be about half a mile away. "Ny- my mom knows where it is."

There was muffled silence on the other end. I didn't listen as i walked down the old overgrown path. Everything looked like it had been frozen in time. Aside from the overgrowth of plants, the pathway itself seemed surreal. My legs shook as I walked, my muscles screaming at me to stop moving. I ignored the feeling as I kept walking. Seeing the cabin in the distance.

"NIk?" Caroline's voice brought my attention back to my phone.

"I'm here..." I responded

"We are on our way to come get you." She spoke as I heard the familiar hum of Nyx's car engine.

"Alright... I'll stay put..."

I kept walking, looking at the cabin as I got closer. Even the scent was the same. No one else had been to the cabin since we left it seemed. I looked up as it started to rain, my clothes soaking through quickly.

"Its raining..." I barely registered that I was talking as I moved up onto the porch and out of the now downpour around me.

"Nik we-" The call cut out as there was a flash of lightning, the roar of the thunder startling me as I looked around again.

Nothing felt real. I didn't bother going inside as I sat down against the door, watching the rain fall as the storm continued. The sound of the rain hitting the old metal roofing of the cabin started to lull me into a much-needed sleep as I waited for them to find me.

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