Chapter One

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"Guys we should really be getting to bed, school starts tomorrow." My sister spoke from the edge of my bed as Caroline and I continued to forage through my closet.

"Unlike you, dear sister, I care about how I will look tomorrow." I responded as we kept going through my clothes.

Caroline nodded as she looked back at Skye. "I'm not letting Nik show up dressed like a homeless man." Finally she tossed me an outfit.

Sky snorted at this. "Goodluck with that, He has the fashion sense of a toddler."

"Hey!" I complained as I sent her a glare.

She smirked in response, flipping me off as she got off my bed.

"Whatever you two lovebirds. I'm going to bed."

I missed the way Caroline paused as Skye spoke.

"Night Skylar!" She responded, her usual bubbly smile appearing on her face.

I smiled watching her as she started putting away the mess of clothes we had made on the floor.

"Are you sure your moms okay with you staying over tonight? I don't want another night in a holding cell for you being in my bed." I set down the outfit she had tossed to me earlier.

"She only did that cuz she walked in on us. She wanted to scare you." She responded nonchalantly as she looked back at me.

"Mission accomplished. Your mom terrifies me sometimes." I pouted slightly, moving to stand behind her as I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"She's just overprotective of me."

"She knows I'd never do anything to hurt you right?" I let go of her as she moved out of my reach. "You know that too don't you?"

I'd never hurt her. I made sure to always keep my hunger and strength in check around her. Unless she was having her mom be intentionally strict. Like Skye does with Nyx and boys she doesn't actually wanna date. Caroline wouldn't though would she? She never had a problem telling people things how she saw them nor putting any filters up when sharing her opinions or feelings. Surely she wouldn't pull the whole parent card on me right?

She paused as she turned to face me. 'Of course I know you'd never hurt me Nik. And my mom does too; she just likes giving you a hard time..."

I look at her as she answers. Her heartbeat spikes as she says the last line. Of course, my intuition was right. I should have listened when she told me at the beginning of the summer that she wanted to keep us a secret from our friends. There was no reason for us to have to hide our relationship, but I agreed to her terms. Afterall I have had a crush on her since we met, and I wasn't passing up the opportunity when I asked her out and she said yes.

"Unless you're having second thoughts?" I asked softly, dreading the lump growing in my throat at my words.

I knew deep down she didn't really like me. I mean who would? She just needed a distraction. I knew that when I asked her out. She had just been through a breakup not even two weeks before I got the guts to ask. I knew her well enough to know her pattern. And I had offered myself. I knew that she didn't actually have romantic feelings for me. Of course she didn't. Why would she? I wasn't her type anyways. Atleast not her most recent type. . I just wanted to wish that none of this was true. That maybe just maybe I had a chance with her.

"Nik..." There were tears forming in her eyes.

No wonder the sheriff was putting on the act double time. She had told her mom to try to scare me off. To get me to initiate the breakup. I should've known better.

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