The Women Of My Dreams

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Hey! Thank you for giving this story a chance! It means a lot to me! And yes, if your wondering if Alfred is a picky person.

In all the lands, I never seem to find the right women for me. There all to old, young, or not appealing to me. It's so unfair how it's not my fault at all! UGGG!

Anyways, mum told me that there's a new servant or something. I just remembered bla bla bla something something. Don't know don't care. All I know is that I have to meet a another "maiden". Like I already know she's going to be ugly so what's the point?

We pull up the the house, there was shrubbery, flowers, and trees placed and monitory trimmed everywhere. I gave it a 5/10, I'm feeling generous today. Because taking care of plants isn't that hard.

I walk up to the door and the doors opened, there was a butler and a maid. They walk me and my father to the living room. Again, 5/10. Come on people decorating can't be that hard.

I wait for 15 minutes. I know right, your about to give your daughter off to a man, and you can't even have a decent garden or interior design. Not only that, but your going to make me, the man wait for her? Ug! Get with the times now.

She came down the stairs with a big bright smile on her face, she had long curly hair. Her burnet hair shimmered with all the lamps and candles near. You could swim in her ocean blue eyes for years. She had rosie cheeks, and blood red lips. She wore a purple grayish gown to her ankles. It was tight enough to see her hour glass figure, but not to tight to make her look like a whore.

She look... absolutely, 1,000,000% horrible. They dare wast MY time with this monstrosity?

"You make me come all this way for that? Well I REFUSE to marry that thing." I stomp my foot to prove my foot.

The brat started to cry when I spoke the truth, then she ran upstairs. A couple maids followed giving her reinforcements about her "looking good" just tell the ugly pig the truth. If she can't handle it, it's her fault for not knowing.

My dad whipped his head at me and started scolding me. After a good 15 minutes of his pointless rant about how I'm the one in the wrong, he turned to the pigs parents and apologized.

I just walked out and went back in the carriage.

After what felt like an eternity, father returned. He didn't talk to me at all, just looked in front of him the whole time.

It was nearly night fall when we got back. I walked in and Mary, the best maid ever, brought me in and took my coat.

"I'm guessing she's a no? Because you came back so soon?" She asked in the sweetest voice like always. Mary is the best maid, because unlike the others she raised and stood by my side my whole life. And she never yelled at me.

"I'm not marring an ugly pig like her." I said coldly.

"Did you even talk to her?"

"No. Looks can be more then enough you know!"

"Well, your never going to have a wife, then your never going to have any kids, then your family legacy will die at you. So try not to be to picky."

"Fine fine I guess." I crossed my arms. I then started for the kitchen table. Mary looked a little proud of me as I walked to the table.

When I looked at the table, I saw we where having chicken and bread with some carrots. We only have that when my parents do something I won't like. How suspicious...

I sat down in my usual seat and started eating. It was good. To good for something not bad to happen or something.

"So son, we where thinking. Your 16 now, and everyone we tried setting you up with you've rejected. ...So we're arranging your marriage." My father said as I spit my drink out.

"WHAT? HOW COULD YOU! ITS MY LIFE NOT YOURS! ITS SO UNFAIR!" I yelled. Then I stood up and walked out of the house angrily. I was beyond mad, I was FURIOUS. How could they!

I then decided to go to the garden. That's were I calm down the best at after all.

I was in the middle of the garden when I saw something red run by. I decided to follow it

When I finally caught up to it, I hid behind a tree. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the prettiest girl I've ever seen! She had long red hair with beautiful red eyes! She was my definition of a perfect dream girl.

That's when I started looking at what she was doing, she was making plants grow? Wait, don't tell me my dream girl is a witch!

840 Words!
Wow, thank you so much for reading this! It really means a lot! I hope you enjoyed it! I'm also sorry for not posting, A LOT has been going on in my life. I promise to post more now! Thank you for reading this story and this! Make sure you guys stay safe and eat cake!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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