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Taraji's POV

5 weeks later...

"Okay, I need the lights to come in on both sides, I need one directly behind and one in front. Ladies set. Quite on set. And. Action"

I lean in, taking her face in my hand and begin to kiss her, I place soft gentle kisses on her lips, before hearing Blitz call out again. 

"Cut! Okay ladies that was good, but I think that we need to adjust the lighting a little bit, so relax, but let's stay in place please."

I take a breath and lean back into my chair, I look over to Fantasia, trying my best to see her through the lights, my efforts were in vain, so I called out to her instead.

"Hey Tasia, you okay?" I ask, sending my hand out, hoping it finds hers. 

And of course it does.

"Yeah baby I'm alright, how you doin over there."

"I'm great!" I say with a cheesy smile on my face. 

Before we can continue the conversation, Blitz makes his way back to us, delivering orders for the scene. 

"Okay great, I think I like the placement of the lights, so hopefully we only have to run it one time." He say giving a thumbs up

Hopefully not, I think to myself.

With the camera's in place and the lighting adjusted to Blitzs' liking, the set is called to quiet before we hear the words "action."

After hearing the words, I lean back into Fantasia, again taking her face in my hand. I pecked her lips slowly, moving my head slightly to the side so that my lips could reach hers perfectly. Fantasia then took her right hand and placed it on the side of my thigh, moving it up and down slowly. The sudden touch sent a shiver down my spine. I felt the familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach and decided to do something about it this time. So I began kissing her deeper, injecting my tongue into her mouth, exploring it. The kiss becoming wetter, and more intense. My eyes were closed, but I could feel Fantasia's directly on me. I opened mine for a second, to pull back and look at her, before going back in, intertwining our tongues, Fantasia allowing me full control. 

If Blitz wouldn't have called cut, I don't think we would've stopped. 

"Well okay.. I think that was perfect, I think that might me a wrap for tonight, we've been here all day, so I want to thank you all for a good day and see you on Monday!"

Fantasia and I both stand up to head off of the set. The lights have been turned off, so I can see her fully, I turn to her, but she doesn't look at me, instead she hurries off of the stage, leaving me there hurt and confused.

Before I can chase after her, Danielle comes up to me to dote on our scene. I stand there trying my best to tune into Dani, but I was only halfway listening, as my mind kept rewinding back to Fantasia. I started to get scared, like maybe I went far, or made her uncomfortable. I snap back into reality at the aching thought, just in time to hear Dani ask me a question. "Sooo, will you?"

"I'm sorry, will I what?" 

"I knew you wasn't listening to me. I asked if you wanted to come out with us tonight girl!"

"Oh um.." I pondered on the question for a moment before asking one myself;

"Is Fantasia coming?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure, I asked her earlier and she said she was down.. Sooo you'll come?" she asks again, bumping me with her elbow.

It was Friday, and we had the weekend off, I figured I'd spend the time at my place or Fantasia's, but right now I felt that I was the last person she wanted to see. So I started to say no, but I couldn't understand why Fantasia would just blow me off like that. It's been about a month since I stayed the night at her house, and since then we've been attached at the hip ever since. There hasn't  been a single day, that we haven't talked. 

With that in mind, I reevaluated my answer. "Yes Dani, I'll be there, just send me the deets girl!"

I try my best to hurriedly finish the conversation with Dani, while trying not to make her feel rushed.

 Once we hug and say our goodbyes I hurried back to my dressing room, I opened the door, and was surprised to see Fantasia, sitting there in tears. 

"Tay, oh my goodness! What's wrong?" I ask her, taking a seat right next to her, close enough to feel the heat radiating from her.

"I'm sorry Taraji, I didn't mean to just leave you like that, I just, I got so overwhelmed, and it was just too much." She looks up at me, tears saturating her face, I hated seeing her cry.  

"Oh Tasia, baby, you dont have to apologize, I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't have done all that I-"

"No Taraji!" She says, shooting her hand down to grab mine. "You did great, I- I enjoyed the kiss, it truly was perfect, Its just, I haven't been kissed that way in so long or in general and it just brought back a lot of emotions."

I didn't hear anything she said after she said our kiss was perfect. 

She noticed my silence, and looked back over to me, the tears making her pretty brown eyes glisten. 

she giggles a little, "T, where you at girl?"

"I'm sorry, I'm listening I promise, you sure it wasn't too much? I was scared that I made you uncomfortable."

"No T, not at all, and I'm so sorry I made you feel that way." She leans over and wraps her arms around my neck, I wrap mine around her waist, pulling her closer into me. "You've only ever made me feel safe, and I thank you for that." She places a kiss on my check, letting her lips linger for a moment.

I wanted to hang onto her longer, maybe even kiss her again, but I didn't want to overwhelm her more, so I released her and pulled back. 

"So, Dani says you're coming out tonight, you still gon hang? I say aloud trying to adjust the atmosphere in the room. 

"Yeah girl, I think I need to. You coming?"

She asks gleefully, the joy in her eyes making it hard to say no even though I was already going. 

"Yes of course, you know I'm a party girl" I say, beginning to vogue

She laughs a bellyful laugh, making my heart swell. "Well how bout I drive there together, so I can make sure you get home safe party girl." She says mocking me.

Having no reason to object I agree, standing up to grab my things. 

"Well I'm a lady, so don't keep me waiting." I say making my way to the door

I watch as Fantasia's eyes move from my legs, to my backside, to my breast, before finally finding my eyes. 

"Baby, I would never.'" 


Yallllllll please don't kill me PLEASEEEE!!

I know what y'all want, and you shall receive it, but its gonna be pretty long and I didn't want to keep y'all waiting, and ya'll know we gotta build It up, cmon now.  Sooooo this is JUST a filler for now!

Also, any errors, just disregard please, I was trying to give y'all something, but be on the look out for the next parts 🤭

peace ✌🏾💋

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