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Fantasia's POV

I open my eyes, greeted by the sun shining through my windows. I pull my body up and stretch. I begin to reach over to grab my phone, when I remember that Taraji stayed over last night. I hopped out of bed, throwing a silk robe over my body and tying it loosely around my waist. I slipped on my house shoes and began making my way to the guest room. As I approached, I noticed that the door was slightly ajar, so I assumed Taraji was already awake. I pushed the door open further, expecting to see her pretty brown eyes, but she was still sleeping. Her head rested on her left hand, and her mouth was slightly open. Her right arm rested on top of the cover and I could see the muscle she had built there.

I stayed there, watching her for a while, scanning every part of her face over and over again. Every time I tried to pull myself away to the kitchen, my legs just wouldn't move.

"How long you gonna stare at me creep?" Taraji says, eyes still closed, catching me off guard.

"What? Girl I thought you was sleep!" I say back to her.

"I know you did! Don't mean you get to stare" She says, opening her eyes and turning her body towards me.

"Girl please, you know you like it when my eyes are on you."

Taraji grabs a pillow laying beside her, and hurls it at me, I then watched as she tried to hide the smile creeping across her face.

"Uh Uh, don't be rearranging furniture in here! Thats why you missed! Scoot over" I demand, picking up the pillow on my way to the bed.

Taraji lifts her torso off the bed, causing the cover to fall down, revealing her chest. Her nipples were hard, and the t-shirt that I gave her last night exposed that. I don't know why my eyes immediately traveled there, but I hurriedly refocused them, and climbed onto the bed bedside her.

"How'd you sleep T?" I ask her, hoping the night granted her some rest.

"Pretty good actually, I didn't wake up too many times through the night."

"You haven't been getting any sleep?" I inquire worriedly.

"I mean yeah, of course, I think I've just been a little restless. I mean it's nothing to worry about girl." She says waving it off. "Matter fact we got more important things to talk about, you gon be kissing me real soon!" She says mockingly, making kissy faces at me.

I felt teased and wanted to lean in and kiss her for real, but I withheld, instead I just simply replied.

"Yeah I know you cant wait to get your lips on me, you already be trynna get a feel up."

She throws her head back a laughs. "You know I do!" She responds and I join in on the laughter.

"But, seriously though Tasia, you know I'm a very passionate actress, and I like to give my all to my performance, that includes intimate scenes, so I need to know what you're comfortable with."


"Hmm?" She asks, slightly turning her head to the side.

"I'm comfortable with you Taraji. I trust you to take the lead, and whatever you do, I'll follow."

She smiles, not saying anything, just looking at me. Through me, like she was searching for something far beyond my eyes. Her glare begins to make me nervous, and I feel my stomach begin to twirl. I didn't even realize that at some point our fingers became intertwined. I don't know how that always happens.

Trying to turn the attention off of me, and the goosebumps plotted along my arms, I speak up;

"Plus I know how you be getting down, I saw Think Like A Man! In that movie tearing that man face UP!"

"Oh my G- Girl pleaseee." She erupts with laughter before grabbing another pillow and hitting me with it, before adding another blow and another.

Now having to fight back, I pick up two pillows and began windmilling.

"Fantasia! Girl! You finna make me have to restrain you!"

"Oh yeah, you gon have too, I'm finna tear you up!"

Taraji's laughter fills my ears again causing me to smile, momentarily lowering my arms. Taraji, taking advantage of her opportunity to disarm me, raises off of the bed, grabbing both of my arms. We fall back onto the bed, she lay on top of me, pinning me down.

We laid there, parallel, chest to chest, laughing. Close enough that we were exchanging air.

After calming and catching our breath, Taraji lifts her torso off of me, remaining seated in my lap.

While we were playing, the top of my robe fell open, revealing my white lace bra. Taraji looked down at me, her eyes scanning from my forehead to my breast, before they settle into my eyes again. Trying my best, I maintain the eye contact, raising my hand and resting it on her thigh.

She looks down at my hand, before bringing her eyes back up to me, "You said you was gon make me some breakfast." She says, folding her arms.

"Well if you wasn't in here trying to beat me down, maybe I could make you some breakfast!"

"Oh girl please, you was in here windmilling on me!"

"Well you started it!" I reply back as we both make our way out of the bedroom to head downstairs.

"Yeah and next time imma finish it."


Heyyy ya'll!!

This was just a short filler because of how long it took me to write the previous part.

How y'all liking it so far, Talk to me puhleaseeeee!!!

Later 💋

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