Get used to it

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Tarajis' POV 

2:10 am 

"oh my goodness" I say after a yawn. That was the fifth time I've done that in ten minutes. "Lord give me strength" I say while stretching my neck, it's going to be a long day. 

I press on, gathering my things for the day, I'm so excited! I've been preparing for this role for months prior, working with my vocal coach to strengthen these old chords,  yet, I still haven't wrapped my head around singing alongside Fantasia... I mean, it's Fantasia, and lord let's not forget Danielle. I find myself getting anxious and quickly force myself to forget about it. I scramble together a quick breakfast, take a minute to eat, gather my things and stop in front of my mirror before heading out. I look at the reflection staring back at me and close my eyes. I let out a sigh before opening them again. She looks so tired, so.. bare. "ugh" These past couple of months, things have just been different with me, within me. Small things make me cry and smaller things make me mad. I didn't really have anything going on prior to being tapped for Shug. I was in my shell,  away from the world and playing Shug has forced me out. Im worried I wasn't ready. Don't get me wrong, I'm ready to play Shug down, no question about that, but emotionally, I don't think I'm ready. I let out a calm breath and open the door, shutting and locking it behind me. I make it to the car and reverse out. 

"Good morning! You said it was which way?"I ask. "Just out that door straight to your right, It'll be the first white one." "Okay, thank you kindly, you have a good day!" I make my way to the first white trailer, I open the door, look inside, and I see two sets of big brown eyes staring back at me. "What the hell?" I think to myself.  "Taraji P Henson!?"  the first pair of eyes say, with a pretend shocked face. "Oh girl stop it you know me" "Tarajiiiii"  the second set says,  with a big fat grin. "Heyyyy  D" I reply"."Well somebody better get up and come hug me before I fall out" I shout to them opening my arms. They both rush to me and I feel myself begin to blush. We hold each other in that hug for a moment, and I find myself getting emotional. "wtf T c'mon now" I say in my head. They release me and for a moment it breaks my heart.  How are you ladies" I interject that pain quickly,"You both are looking absolutely beautiful this morning!" "Good, good.  Girl look at you" Fantasia says as she grabs my hand and makes me do a spin. I smile big and cover my face. "oh girl stop, I look just as tired as I feel." " Oh girl hush up, you look beautiful" she says back to me. Feeling as though I wouldn't win with a rebuttal, I reply with a thank you and proceed to the conversation. I hadn't seen Fantasia much since our chemistry reads a couple of months ago. She was so sweet and shy when we first met, but once she got comfortable.. well.. baby is a talker. It's funny though, I never seemed to mind. I can't usually hold conversation long, I get a bit bored, but she would ramble and I would just listen. That's funny. Only person I'd let talk my ear off like that is my child. Maybe it was because of how soft her voice was, how it felt like warm honey on a sore throat. She is a cancer, maybe it's just her energy that always seems to comfort me."It's so good to see you guys! I hope y'all know that y'all are now and forever stuck with me, so I'll give yall some time to get used to it!" I say snapping back into the conversation. " Oh ion need no time" Fantasia quickly says, " mmm, I might need a minute " Dani said jokingly, "Mmcht, girl please" I say. We all share a deep laugh. Yeah, I supposed to be here!

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