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Rey's plea resonated with urgency as she addressed Luke,"There is no light left in Kylo Ren. He's only getting stronger. The First Order will control all the major systems within weeks. We need your help. We need the Jedi Order back. We need Luke Skywalker."

Luke gazed at the trio before him, absorbing Rey's words,"You don't need Luke Skywalker," shaking his head.

Confusion etched Rey's expression as she turned to Arabella and Chewie before returning her attention to Luke, "Did you hear a word I just said?" she asked, puzzled.

Luke's tone turned sardonic as he mocked,"You think what? I'm gonna walk out with a laser sword and face down the whole First Order? What did you think was going to happen here? You think that I came to the most unfiable place in the galaxy for no reason at all?...Go away." Luke stood up walking up the stairs back to his hut.

With resolve building within her, Rey stepped forward, frustration bubbling to the surface. "I'm not leaving without you!" she declared, her voice echoing against the stillness.

Arabella crossed her arms, rolling her eyes and exhaled audibly. Rey glanced back at her, perplexed.

"What?" Arabella smirked. "Did you really think the old man was just going to agree? He's been hiding for years, you heard him."

"You're of no help; you could have taken down the First Order from the inside. You're strong and powerful," Rey spat.

"I didn't know what was happening half the time; I was a prisoner of the First Order," Arabella emphasized, feeling heat rise to her face.

"Don't act innocent; I know you worked with Kylo Ren and the First Order."

"I did what I had to survive. Now I'm here doing the right thing, and I still have no idea what my purpose is in this story. Or what? You think I had a choice when my father was killed? When I was taken from my home? When Snoke manipulated me, trying to use me for my powers?" Her voice shook with anger. "You don't know who I am, you don't know what I've been through, so don't stand there and tell me what you think you know." Arabella glared at Rey, who stood mere inches away, her chest heaving as the Force paralyzed her body. Releasing her, Rey stumbled back, fear evident in her eyes. Arabella took a step back hiding her confusion and slowly turning around walking down the pebble stairs.

Arabella retreated to her ship, closing the door behind her. She pressed her back against the wall and let out a long exhale. Looking down at her hands, she felt the anger and power taking control of her body. For some reason, this place made her feel stronger with the Force.

She began to feel lightheaded, closing her eyes as she slid down to the ground, feeling her body being pulled inward. Exhaling once more, she slowly opened her eyes to find herself in a dark room with a large bed in the middle. On the far left was a table strewn with papers, old books, and personal items.

"Back so soon?" a deep voice rumbled from the shadows, causing Arabella to freeze upon recognizing Kylo's bed. Her eyes darted around the room once more; this must have been Kylo Ren's chamber.

His boots echoed as he approached, a frown creasing his brow as he towered over her. Arabella's gaze lifted, noting the scar across his face, adorned with black bandaging. His eyes appeared dark, concealed by heavy circles, he had never looked more disheveled. Kylo extended his hand, Arabella's hands found his leather glove as she stood.

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