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The heavy footsteps shattered Arabella's deep slumber, jolting her awake. Her eyes fluttered, struggling to adjust to the moonlit glow filtering through the room. Sensing an ominous presence, she froze, careful not to make any sudden movements. With silent determination, she edged towards the side of her bed.

Lying flat on her stomach, she reached out for her lightsaber, fingers curling around its hilt. Activating the blade, its purple hue flooded the room with an ethereal glow. With practiced agility, she rose to her knees, her weapon poised in a defensive stance, prepared for whatever threat lurked in the shadows.

"Who's there?" Arabella's voice rang out, tinged with assertiveness, though her labored breath betrayed her unease, chest rising and falling as she sought to steady herself.

She looked around her room, nothing looked out of the ordinary and from what she could tell there was no one in the room. Yet her vision was hazy and blurred. She felt a pressure on her head but nothing to cause her pain. She concentrated on her senses, tapping into the Force to help her guide her. From outside her window she could hear the crash of the waterfalls that surrounded the castle, the birds chirping from the trees and then she felt it...something dark. Almost like a dark cave, a tunnel-she wanted to get closer it was tempting. She shook her head coming back to her surroundings.

Then she saw him.

The dark figure, a haunting echo from her dreams, stood silent sentinel, his form clearer now than ever before. Towering over her, his broad shoulders cast an imposing shadow, his attire melding seamlessly with the darkness enveloping the room. A cowl concealed his face, leaving only the glint of silver lines piercing through the obscurity.

"Who are you?" Arabella demanded, her voice unwavering, though frustration simmered beneath the surface. "Reveal yourself."

Yet the figure remained motionless, unresponsive to her command.

She frowned, becoming irritated. The figure raised his hand but before she was able to do anything else a noise outside her door caught her attention and once again she fell into darkness.


Kylo Ren took a deep breath, reaching out to the Force to guide him in making a connection to this "Light Force" the Supreme Leader had mentioned. If he had assumed correctly, it was the same Force from his dreams. He knew Snoke had sensed it when he probed Kylo's mind. Ren furrowed his eyebrows, trying to concentrate.

Guide me, Grandfather , Kylo thought.

He felt a tug, as if a rope had been yanked, and his vision blurred. Before he knew it, he was standing in a place he had never seen before. The air blew from two large openings leading to a balcony. Squinting outside, he saw a dark sky illuminated by the moon. The rumble of waterfalls filled his ears. It felt familiar—Naboo, a planet similar to the one he used to visit as a child with his mother.

Bringing his focus back to his surroundings, he noticed the room was surrounded by beautiful flowers and plants. Two love seats faced each other in the middle of the room, with a marble table holding fresh fruit between them. On one side, there was a large vanity, and Kylo realized he was in a woman's bedroom. Then he noticed the figure on the round bed, obscured by curtains.

Approaching the bed, he made out a small figure lying in the middle. Her dark brown hair cascaded down her back in soft curls, one shoulder exposed by her white nightgown. Even with his mask, he could smell her—sweet flowers filled his nose. Kylo Ren had never felt this way before. He almost wanted to look away, feeling as though he was invading her privacy. Well, he was, he thought.

Lost in a trance, he failed to notice her movements until she stood on her knees, a purple lightsaber illuminating her blurry face.

Why couldn't he see her clearly? And where did she acquire the lightsaber? Why was he never informed of another Force user? Most importantly, why did Snoke want her so badly? Why was she important to the Supreme Leader and to him? Kylo wondered.

She spoke, her voice ringing in his ears, but he couldn't make out her words. He stood there, observing her, curiosity tempting him. Trying to reach into her mind, he found himself blocked—she was too strong. Before he could say anything, voices came from two large doors. Taking advantage of her distraction, he raised his hand and shut her mind down, making her fall back onto the bed, her lightsaber clattering to the ground.

Kylo Ren closed his eyes and pulled himself out of the encounter, panting and confused. He was back on Starkiller Base. Removing his helmet, he brought a hand up to his temple.

Why was the Force connecting them? Why was he so drawn to her? He had never felt like this before; it scared him.

Getting up, he made his way to the hangar. He didn't need permission from a King to enter any planet. He didn't follow any rules, and whatever this was, it was more important than an old treaty. Ren had to visit Cosmara.

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