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Arabella walked alongside General Hux as he introduced her to the various ships, pilots, and resources of the First Order. She reasoned that if Snoke was correct about the Empire being hers, she might as well familiarize herself with it.

Her mind was torn. On one hand, she longed to serve the ideals her father had instilled in her—to fight for good and be a ruler in Cosmara. She had spent her whole life preparing for that role and desired to be the person her father would be proud of, loyal to her planet.

On the other hand, she was curious about her mother's past and wanted to harness the same power. She wondered why her father kept her mother's history a secret and why her mother had left the First Order. Could she truly balance the dark and light sides of the Force, as Snoke had suggested? Could she rule both Cosmara and the Empire?

It wasn't a matter of capability, but rather, whether she was willing to leave behind the life she had prepared for her entire life. Could she go against her morals?

And what about Kylo Ren? What was the bond they shared? Arabella pondered what had transpired in the training room. She hadn't seen the Commander in days. Was he avoiding her? She wished she could peer into his mind as he had hers. Why were his mental walls so impenetrable? Was he hiding something from her?

She felt foolish for letting him in, thinking it would bring them closer together. Looking back, it seemed like a manipulative tactic to exploit her weaknesses. Yet, she also felt compelled to help him. His pain, confusion, and loneliness were palpable, and she sensed them keenly.

For now, she distracted herself with writing in journals and exploring Starkiller Base with General Hux. Despite his intimidating demeanor, she could tell he was vulnerable. Arabella had dealt with such people during her time on the throne and found a strange comfort in his company. Perhaps it was because her loneliness was beginning to weigh on her.

"Princess?" Hux's voice interrupted her thoughts.

Arabella glanced at him. "Forgive me, General. I have a lot on my mind."

She surveyed the bustling hangar, watching pilots and stormtroopers navigate the vast space. "Is it always like this?" she wondered, her gaze flitting between the white helmets.

"Yes, most days," Hux replied. "We have pilots spying on the Republic, fleets patrolling , on missions..."

"I was never a fan of flying," Arabella admitted with a smile, pursing her lips.

"You'll get used to it. I presume you didn't leave your planet often?" Hux inquired.

As they strolled, their hands behind their backs, Arabella's cape billowed behind her, contrasting against the gray walls. Her dark purple dress hugged her figure, and the sleeves, made of crushed velvet, were a lighter shade of purple. Her hair was styled in a half updo, with the top braided into a bun, while her long curls cascaded down her back.

"No, there was no reason to. Everything I needed and wanted was in Cosmara," she replied, her gaze distant.

A rumble echoed from the hangar entrance—a TIE ship, but different from the rest. It was all black with hints of red, a more aggressive silhouette compared to traditional TIE fighters.

"Looks like Commander Ren is back from his mission," Hux remarked.

Arabella frowned. Of course, it had to be his ship, she thought.

She watched Ren exit his ship as technicians swarmed around it. Their eyes met briefly before Ren continued toward the ramp. Arabella quietly moved away, hoping to avoid him for as long as possible.

"Commander Ren, I presume everything went well?" Hux inquired, but Ren remained silent, prompting Hux to continue. "Princess Arabella was just saying she had very little experience flying."

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