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"What do you mean you don't know if it was a dream or not?" Aria inquired.

"I'm telling you, Aria, it was like a trance. I've never experienced anything quite like it. It was as if some Force was pulling me toward him."

"It's rather romantic, don't you think?" A smile teased the corners of the blonde's lips. Arabella shot her a puzzled look. "I mean, a mysterious man entering my room at night. A tall, enigmatic figure."

"He could have killed me, Aria," Arabella stated, taken aback by her friend's casual tone.

"True... but he didn't," Aria chuckled. Their laughter echoed through the air.

"You've been reading too many fairy tales. These things don't happen in real life," Arabella sighed, casting her gaze downward.

"Have you told your father?"

Arabella smirked, glancing back at the four guards standing at a distance.

"What do you think, Aria?" Arabella retorted. "I feel like a freak being watched 24/7."

Arabella reclined on the grass, soaking in the warmth of the sun on her skin. Beside her, Aria mirrored her actions. They had spent hours basking in the sunlight, a routine they cherished after breakfast. Arabella couldn't imagine life without her best friend — her sister since childhood.

Arabella vividly recalled the day they first met. She had accompanied her father to town, where he needed to settle some business with the local blacksmith. Amidst the bustling market, a blue, shimmering dress caught the young princess's eye. She approached the stand, marveling at the gown's beauty, her fingers tracing the soft velvet.

"Isn't it beautiful?" a voice chimed from behind her.

"Yeah, it looks like the ones in my books," Arabella replied with a smile.

"My daddy made it! I'm Aria, by the way," the young girl said, extending her hand towards Arabella. "What's your name?"

"Aria," a tall, blonde man with the same azure eyes as the girl said, stepping forward. "Do not trouble the princess. Forgive me, your majesty," he added, bowing respectfully.

King Ornova, noticing his daughter's distraction, approached, unperturbed by her wandering. He surveyed the scene and recognized what had captured her attention.

"It's quite alright," the king reassured them with a warm smile. "They're just children. What exquisite gowns you have."

"Lucas Ox, your majesty," the man introduced himself. "This is my daughter, Aria. She assists me at our tailor shop."

"Hello, Aria. It's a pleasure to meet you," Arabella greeted, shaking the girl's hand. She then turned to her father. "I want 20 of these, father."

"You already have more gowns than you need, Bella," her father pointed out.

"Mom would've let me have as many gowns as I wanted," Arabella countered, flashing her father a pleading look.

Observing his daughter's persuasive tactics, Ornova relented.

"Very well," he conceded with a chuckle. "Visit us at the castle, Mr. Ox. Grant whatever my daughter desires; you will be generously rewarded for your time and skill. And bring your daughter along — she's welcome too."

Aria gasped, her eyes shining with excitement.

"We're going to be best friends," she declared with a grin.


"Who has entered?" King Ornova's voice thundered at his soldiers.

"We suspect it was two nights ago, sir," the general spoke with a shaky voice.

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