Chapter 5: Tussle and Tumult

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Finally Blair's pov!

Sorry for the long wait, I promise I have not given up or forgotten this story. I was just struggeling with the plot details and my schoolwork. The plot is really going to kickoff from this point.


What a mess. Those were the words that continued to infiltrate Blair's thoughts as she galloped her way across the planes on her brown stallion Galahad.

It all used to be easy-going, Blair thought bitterly. She had a wonderful life as royalty and her responsibilities were far and few in between, but now, Blair couldn't walk along the castle corridors for more than a minute before someone would bother her about the recent events. Maybe it was a sister, too excited for their own good, or maybe it was father talking about all the lessons she was supposed to take. It got to the point that she just had to take a breather and leave the grounds, if only for an hour.

Blair new it was all very special and important. She knew that being second in line for the throne of a kingdom was a great privilege. However, if it was up to Blair she would gladly trade places with just about anyone right now. Nothing up to this point had made her realise this much that her regal life did not actually suit her.

She did not want to abandon her role because she was scared or insecure about her own capabilities like Ashlyn was, she knew that she was smart and able to rule, she simply did not want to.

It was probably a very spoiled and lazy thing to think, but all of these sudden responsibilities were tiresome enough and thinking about the fact that it will be like this for the foreseeable future was truly exhausting. Blair believed that someone like her, someone so lacking in devotion and selflessness was not a good fit for a ruler.

All of these lessons along with extra attention from her sisters, father, and soon the whole Fioreé population as well were not things that Blair was waiting for.

She just wanted to be free to do what she wants. Get up when she wants, eat what she wants, dress how she likes and ride Galahad whenever it fancied her. Those were the things that she had been able to enjoy for her entire life and she was not planning on stopping just for the remote chance that something might happen to her older sister. Ashlyn was way too careful to get into trouble anyways and the country is still at peace with no large problems anywhere. Who would threaten her rule in a country like this?

And so, Blair rode along the winding country paths that stretched all throughout the meadows surrounding the castle, worries forgotten for now.

Galahad, her beautiful purebred stallion, raced over the gravel and dirt roads like it was nothing and these were the moments that Blair truly felt happiest. The wind in her face, a slight weightlessness and the welcome burn in her thighs as she kept her body afloat above the saddle.

On any other day she would have probably put in the effort to dress properly before she went out riding, but not today. She simply wore a red riding jacket that fastened with six small buttons in the front, black pants and brown leather riding boots. Her long black hair was pulled together in a braid at the base of her neck, only a few strands escaping here and there. Not a very ladylike appearance, but who was here to see it?

Galahad's shiny deep brown coat, covered in tiny droplets of sweat, shimmered in the afternoon sun. His black mane whipped around wildly as the horse's head moved along with its rushing legs.

Horse riding always brought up feelings from within Blair that nothing else could, even then, freely riding outside was the absolute best part of it and her favourite activity ever.

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