Chapter 1: The best day of their lives

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They were absolutely lovely together, there was no denying that. Genevieve and Derek danced together in a dance so beautiful it nearly brought Ashlyn to tears. They twirled, Derek picked Genevieve up in a lift and they waltzed their way through the garden. Their first dance as husband and wife something that Genevieve had clearly looked forward to.

Ashlyn had heard her little sister gush that Derek had taken extensive care to learn the steps of their waltz in preparation for the wedding day.

The reception had ended just a little earlier with multiple guests and close family, but the first dance was a private affair reserved for the royal family alone. A very special tradition within the Kingdom of Fioreé.

Derek and Genevieve's wedding had sparked some controversy within the kingdom due to Derek's identity as a commoner and cobbler and the fact that they married so quickly without proper courting. However society managed to forgive them, after all Genevieve was only seventh in line for the throne and there was only a small chance that the marriage would lead to actual problems.

So for now they are allowed to be happy. And happy they were. Their smiles radiant and so full of love.

How Ashlyn wished she could have the same.

She was happy for them, truly, but it was hard not to feel jealous when her little sister, only 18 years old, had already found the love of her life, when she, a 24 year old Crown Princes of a Kingdom, was yet to have her first love. Though, she also had to admit that a lover had not been a top priority for her. Most certainly not since the death of their mother, Queen Isabella, only three years ago.

As the eldest daughter and someone she knew her sisters looked up to she had to take responsibility. Blair and Courtney looked to her for advice, Delia, Edeline, Fallon and Genevieve saw her as a role-model, Isla and Hadley are just young teenagers who will need all the guidance they can get when they get older and Janessa, Kathleen and Lacey are still in need of raising. So much that their mother did for them now falls onto Ashlyn's shoulders.

Maybe you could argue that King Randolph should take up some of these responsibilities, and you'd be right. But he's the King and as much as they all would love for their father to be more involved, they all understand that he can't. So for now, it is Ashlyn that will help her sisters until they are all old enough to set out on their own.

The first dance was finished and all the sisters and King Randolph clapped with adoration.

"You were absolutely breathtaking, Genevieve." Randolph said as he approached the couple. "And you, Derek, make a fine partner for my daughter, be it in dance or in life. I have now seen you both will be as great a union as I could have ever hoped for one of my children." He said with an incredibly satisfied and warm smile on his face.

"Genevieve, Genevieve! Will you dance with me as well?" Lacey says energetically as she comes running from the side of the garden where they had all been standing. Her little pink and purple ballgown flying out behind her hurried steps.

Ashlyn chuckles at this and crouches down to Lacey's level beside her. "Maybe later Lacey. This is their magical moment so you cannot just take Genevieve away for yourself now can you?"

Lacey looked disappointed but her face brightened again as she answered. "Yes! Genevieve and Derek are magical so they should dance together, just like at the pavilion!" This made all the sisters and Derek laugh as they are reminded of the way they all danced away from the pavilion together.

"It was not us that was magical, Lacey. It was our bonds and love for each other that allowed us to escape. Not to mention luck, I hate to think what would have happened to our home had we not jumped on that stone together." Genevieve added with a chuckle and a loving glance to Derek who met her blue eyes.

To be Queen - Roses and Rebellion, a Barbie in the 12 dancing Princesses novelWhere stories live. Discover now