Chapter 3: A Family's Support

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Courtney and Ashlyn walked along the winding garden paths. Surrounded by beautiful rose bushes, hedges, flowerbeds, and wisteria covered walls. All arranged in a perfect pattern throughout the castle garden.

Everyday a team of gardeners took care of it, it was their pride and joy, Ashlyn had heard them say many times as they worked. Their bare feet were pricked by the tiny stones on the ground but neither of the Princesses seemed to care, content to be relaxed with each other and enjoying the scenery.

As the young women walked, they reached one of the many little fountains spread across the grounds.

"Here, use this to clean your face. Your eyes are still swollen." Courtney said as she took a cloth from within the pocket of her skirts and dipped it in the water of the fountain.

"Thank you, Courtney." Ashlyn replied, taking the moist cloth, and gently dapping it on her cheeks and eyes.

"You know... the thing that bothers me about this situation the most is actually mother." Ashlyn admitted, the younger sister looking up in interest.

"Mother?" She asked.

"Yes... I... I just feel like I am replacing her. I mean, of course I am, and this was bound to happen one day, but mother was Queen for so long and the people absolutely adored her, as they should, and I feel like she could have been so much more had the sickness not taken her away. I simply do not want people to forget about her if I become Queen... mother does not deserve that, and I do not want to be the cause of her true death." Ashlyn confessed.

Ashlyn had a firm believe that one does not truly die simply when one stops breathing and your heart stops. No, a person truly dies once they are forgotten.

She had seen it many times. Old portraits of people that nobody knew the names of, gravestones that had not been cleaned or visited in ages, or old relics in attics of which nobody remembered who they belonged to, even with a name scratched onto them. Once forgotten, unless your existence was recorded somewhere in a meaningful way you will never come to mind again. A sad fate that unfortunately will befall all of us.

They would all one day be forgotten, but if it was up to Ashlyn her family would not be forgotten for as long as she could manage.

"Mother's memory will not be banished to the history books. Not as long as we live and after that not as long as our descendants know about her kindness, beauty and generosity. As for the people. You resemble mother so closely that I am sure the people will be reminded of her anytime they see you." Courtney replied with a smile that Ashlyn returned.

"You do look remarkably similar to mother! Look what I found!" A cheerful voice interjected into the conversation.

Fallon jumped out from behind a bush, a beautiful golden bird perched on her outstretched hand.

"What were you two talking about? I only caught the last bit." Fallon asked as she walked over to Courtney and Ashlyn.

"That is private, little sister. Did mother never tell you that eavesdropping is rude." Ashlyn said, but Fallon did not seem to mind the chastisement, too enamoured with the radiant bird she found.

"That is fine. I do not want to know anyway. Oh shoot!" Fallon yelped as the bird she was holding suddenly spread its wings and flew away, almost hitting her in the face as it did.

"Oh, that was a close one, ha!" Fallon said to her older sisters who had mild looks of horror on their faces.

"Fallon! Please be more careful! They may be beautiful, but they are still wild animals. You could have lost an eye." Courtney said with worry. Ashlyn nodded with agreement.

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