Chapter 10: Progress

Start from the beginning

Sebastian's eyes widened. He quickly glanced towards the professor's study, who's door was shut tight with no sign of him. He glanced back at Aster. "And?"

"He was drunk, but he gave me the book."

"Aster, what in the galaxy? Why did you go back?"

Aster shrugged. "I didn't want you or Huck getting into trouble trying to steal it or something. I don't know what I would do if you two got suspended."

Sebastian shook his head and chuckled. "You're really unpredictable, you know that? You look like you barely slept a wink."

"Barely," said Aster. "Do I really look that bad?"

Sebastian quickly shook his head. "No you look like your normal self, just a little exhausted is all. You have to tell me everything."

"I will," Aster promised. "Let's meet in the Cellar again today." Suddenly her stomach growled a loud roar and her face reddened.

"You haven't ate, have you?"

Aster shook her head. "Do you have any more mashed up granola bars in your pocket?" she laughed.

"As a matter of fact I do," Sebastian laughed back before handing Aster the wounded snack out of his back pocket.

She scarved it down just as the bell rang. It was a few more moments before Professor Heathcliff made his appearance. He looked much more worn down and dreary than usual. The bags under his eyes were so prominent, his hair greasy and disheveled. Aster noticed he was wearing the exact same thing that he fell asleep in last night. She wondered if he quite literally just rolled out and bed at this very moment.

"Class... today," he suddenly winced and placed his fingers to his temples. It seemed that just talking made his pounding headache that much worse. His voice grew quieter as he continued. "Just read chapter five. Your assignment is due tomorrow." And with that he went back into his study, but cracked the door open.

Sebastian looked at Aster curiously. He mouthed the words, 'hungover' and Aster had to stifle a laugh.

Aster began to perk up around lunchtime. Her initial exhaustion turned to just general tiredness. She sat with her usual friends at lunch, but to her surprise, Huck joined them. Aster was next to Sebastian, Sorbit and Matty across from them. Sorbit's face beamed red as soon as Huck sat on the empty space to her other side, sandwiching her between him and Matty. She was so caught off guard she couldn't even speak.

"What's up," Sebastian casually greeted him.

Huck nodded towards Sebastian and Aster then turned to Sorbit and Matty to greet them. "Hello, ladies," he spoke in his usual polite tone.

Even Matty was taken aback. It was undeniable that Huck was incredibly handsome, but even his manors were unlike any of their classmates. He was a true gentleman.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" He asked Sorbit, as she gaped at him.

Aster tapped Sorbit's foot under the table, bringing her back to reality. "O-of course. Yes please."

Sorbit was unusually quiet the entire lunch period. She chimed in the conversation here and there, usually when Aster would initiate it. Aster had never seen her friend so shy, but that was the effect Huck had on her. Sebastian for one thought it was a refreshing change.

After 7th hour, the three friends met in the Cellar again. Sebastian hadn't had the chance to mention the book to Huck, so he waited for Aster to tell them as she relayed all the details of her encounter with Professor Heathcliff.

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