Chapter 27 - Magical Into Nightmare

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Kairo's insides froze over at the look in his eyes. It was unfamiliar to her and yet she watched as it materialised in his face.

"First, you need to learn to control your emotions." He scowled, taking Kairo by surprise. "I felt suffocated by your fear, I am not interested in what made you that way but try to reign in your emotions. They are overwhelming."

Kairo took a step back as though she had been slapped. Things took such a 360 degrees turn, she suffered from a non-existent whiplash. "Excuse me?"

"Kairo. The bond was a mistake, and I know I asked for it but, I shouldn't have. It has presented me with so many problems I have no idea how to counter act them. It shouldn't have happened and since death is the only way to break it, I suggest you keep your emotions in check. And your distance."

Disbelief rang in her ears. She wanted to cry from how bad her heart ached, but instead she laughed. Even when there was nothing funny about the situation, and her eyes narrowed in the boy standing in front of her. "Keep my emotions in check? And my distance? Is this what your gratitude feels like?"

Xaden scowled. "Do you have any idea how much I have suffered through this bond? I am weaker because of it!"

Kairo flinched. She had guessed right, her poisoning and awakening affected him too, but to what extent? What did he mean he was weaker because of the bond?

"I do not fully understand the thing alright? I just bonded with you because you asked and were dying, I couldn't leave you there like that." She confessed, it was partly true. None of the books back at Celestria had anything on the bonding rituals, it was forbidden in Celestria. One of the reasons she hadn't disclosed this to her grandmother.

Xaden's face darkened, his eyes turning a shade darker,"You are kidding me."

"I was sixteen!" Kairo exclaimed. She shoved her finger to his chest, "Do not forget who initiated the damn thing. It's fine if you don't want to acknowledge my existence, heck, it's alright if you think the bond was a mistake. But do not pin the blame on me, starry eyes. It was your stupidity that led to this in the first place."

"My stupidity?" he growled. "Fix whatever is wrong with you and don't make me repeat myself."

He turned to walk away.

"Is this who you truly are? Are these your true colors?" Kairo asked. She couldn't believe the shift in him, it terrified her.

He did not turn to her. "You will learn how different everything and everyone is from Celestria."

Before he could reach the door back the way they came, Kairo took two strides to reach him. She took his hand and channeled his energy. She soon realised it was fire. Using his power and merging with hers, she created a barrier between the two of them. She bit back her scream as pain erupted from within her, it felt as though something almost tore her soul apart but stopped midway.

"What the hell!?" Xaden shouted, pulling back his hand. He realised he was sweating, having gone through pain almost all his life, nothing was quiet painful as this one. And yet he did not cry out, he was too surprised.

"Ever heard of the drift?" Kairo panted. Almost all her energy was focused on creating that barrier between them.

"The...You couldn't..." Xaden spluttered. His eyes wide in disbelief.

"Death for either one of us is out of the question. I don't know why you are doing this, but I just made things easier for you. It would be like the bond never existed at all." Kairo chuckled to herself, that dull aching becoming more present, "And to think I defended Elaria and I came running, thinking you needed my help. Different from Celestria, indeed."

Kairo willed herself to go through the door. She wanted to slam it, she was that frustrated, but all of her energy was used up in creating that barrier. She followed the hallway, it was the only way back towards the hall. She went through the hall to find the dinner was long finished and everyone else was gone.

She cursed her luck. Now she had to navigate this entire maze of a school to find her quarters and all she wanted to do was cry. Sighing, she went back the way she had came, the hall's great doors were open.

"That took long."

Kairo jumped. She turned to find five unfamiliar faces. Each one of them with a different emotion on their faces. Three of them was unequivocal disgust, the one was a shimmering hate and the other...curiosity.

"Who are you?" Kairo asked.

She was so focused on the blonde with the same eyes as Xaden's, that she missed one of the boys she was with coming at her.


Kairo groaned as she was punched to the stomach. "What the hell!" she exclaimed.

Another punch came from her left side, causing her to fall to her knees. "Kneel, outcast!"

Kairo glared at all of them. The queen bee grabbed her hair painfully, "You will learn the hierarchy of all things here. Now, what is an outcast like yourself doing, holding my fiancee's hand?"

The shock left her breathless. Fiancee? Xaden was betrothed? Is that why he was so eager to break the bond? Or whatever the hell that was?

"In case you hadn't noticed, he held it out to me." She spat, her anger rising above the pain, humiliation and her stupidity. Her energy levels were low, but she was not going to let barbie and her croonies get the better of her anymore.

"Bitch!" the blondie growled. She pushed her head back and raised her hand to slap her. Kairo was ready for her though, she planned to grab that hand and twist it but it never came.

"Enough, Joseline!" a voice snapped.

Kairo looked up, her eyes flashing as she met those starry green eyes. An emotion she couldn't place passed in them before they hardened again. "This is unacceptable at the academy. Especially for a novice," he told her.

Kairo seethed. She was ambushed and yet, he was scolding her?! When she was the victim? She stood to defend herself when someone interrupted.

"I will escort Princess Kairo to her quarters. You take care of the rest." Rayland interrupted, his voice firm. He gently pulled Kairo by her arm, leading her away.

Tears blurred her eyes as she walked away. She sniffed here and now and was glad that Rayland kept walking and didn't look back. She hated how a magical day turned into a nightmare.

"This is your temporary dorm. The one opposite to yours belongs to your cousin, I believe she has already turned in. You should get some rest, it will be a busy day tomorrow," Rayland told her. There was a smooth politeness in his voice that made her feel like a child but she gathered herself and faced him.

"Thank you, Your highness." She said with a finality, if boundaries were drawn, she will follow suite.

Rayland seemed surprised by the address but didn't question it. He nodded and left. As soon as she was behind the door and it closed, Kairo broke down and cried. For the first time in weeks.

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