Chapter 23 - Past Encounters

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As if trapped in a waking nightmare, Kairo observed Clarisse's cold smirk directed at her and Amaira.

"Lord Cassian, you've graced us with your presence," Clarisse exclaimed, her cheeks flushing with excitement.

"Lady Clarisse," the young lord responded curtly.

Kairo took some satisfaction in seeing Clarisse's miserable pout, her stormy-grey eyes narrowing and her face contorting in displeasure.

However, the moment was fleeting as Clarisse turned her attention to Amaira and her.

"You appear well, Amaira," she remarked, eyeing her as though she were a curiosity. "I would offer a hug, but you seem to be covered in sweat and dirt," she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

Kairo sighed inwardly, willing her rising temper to subside.

Despite supposedly being banished to Celestria's Pythia, Clarisse stood before them as if defying the odds. Kairo noticed her diminished glow and slight weight loss, yet she remained as mean-spirited as ever.

"Kairo," Clarisse turned to her, her disdain evident, "It seems the stench has become a part of your personality."

Kairo seethed silently, praying for composure.

"You must be wondering why I'm here despite the banishment," Clarisse continued, "They considered it an honour to have royalty among them and sent me as a representative. I heard you had a close call with death?"

Kairo burned with anger from within.

"That's highly insensitive, Clarisse, especially given your involvement," Amaira snapped, her ocean-blue eyes flashing.

"Involved? I didn't administer the poison; I wasn't even aware of it. It was sheer luck that she survived," Clarisse retorted.

Kairo glared at her former rival, feeling her power simmering within. Though dormant, her abilities as a conduit fairy could cause significant harm if unleashed.

"Kairo..." Cassian's voice cut through the tension as he sensed the charged atmosphere. They were aware of Kairo's potential to wield power, notably, her recent manifestation of her inherited blue flames. Things could escalate quickly.

Clarisse glanced nervously between Cassian and Kairo, stepping back as she noticed Kairo's eyes shifting to a fiery amber hue. "Never mind! I'll see you around."

"Stay calm, Kai. That coward has left," Amaira grunted, struggling to contain her anger. Once assured of Kairo's composure, she redirected her glare at Clarisse, who was now laughing with her entourage. How could she inflict such pain on Kairo knowingly?

Amidst the tension, Amaira's power manifested, causing Clarisse to scream as half of her hair became encased in ice.

"Okay, we need to regroup. Come on, you two," Cassian intervened, guiding them away from the scene. He shot them a reproachful look. "What happened to keeping a low profile?"

"She had it coming. And I didn't mean to freeze her hair; it just happened. Seems my powers agreed she deserved it," Amaira shrugged.

Kairo remained silent, still trying to calm herself. She hadn't disclosed it yet, but she felt a newfound strength within her since meeting Atlas, as if previously unreachable parts of herself had been unlocked.

"Kairo?" Cassian's voice brought her back from her thoughts. She looked at him, her brow furrowed, and absentmindedly chewed her lower lip.

"What's on your mind?" Cassian asked, a hint of concern in his tone.

"I've come to realize the truth of a saying I heard back on Earth," Kairo replied, her gaze fixed on Clarisse, who was being attended to by her minions, trying to melt the ice. Many students looked on, bewildered by the unfolding events.

"What saying?"

"That when you're young, you want to beat people, and as you grow older, you realize you want to beat even more people. And it's best to do it when you're young because the consequences aren't as severe."

Cassian facepalmed.

"Right!" Amira chimed in. "Clarisse is a prime example; she needs to be taught a lesson. I should have done it when we were younger, but we can still do it now, as long as we don't get caught."

"I like that idea! We could take turns until she learns some decency," Kairo agreed.

Cassian shook his head, his lavender hair swaying. "No one is laying a hand on anyone! Remember who you are? Crown Princess?" He directed a stern gaze at Kairo, who met his challenge with narrowed eyes.

"Would you prefer I burst into tears every time she's near? Because I could do that. Wail like a banshee at the mere sight of her," Kairo retorted.

"Kairo's right, Cassian. Clarisse is a nuisance who doesn't know when to stop. A few slaps might knock some sense into her," Amaira added. "Maybe a temporary brain freeze."

"You're both royal princesses, heirs to the throne of Celestria. Stop plotting violence," Cassian pleaded, his lavender eyes pleading. "Let's add another clause to our mission: avoid trouble."

Amaira and Kairo exchanged glances, reluctantly agreeing.

"But what if trouble finds us?" Amaira questioned.

"And by trouble, we mean Clarisse and her ilk," Kairo added.

"Then you evade it, as proper noble ladies should. Maintain your integrity through diplomacy," Cassian advised.

"Have you met Clarisse? Even the most patient person would lose their cool trying to reason with her," Amaira argued.

"And once she targets you, she's relentless. The best way to deal with pests is to crush them," Kairo added.

"Can we at least try diplomacy?" Cassian pleaded.

"Fine," both girls relented, though their voices betrayed their reluctance.

"Heaven help me," Cassian muttered, rubbing his face in exasperation. He led the princesses back to the main entrance, unaware of the figure lurking behind the pine tree. They had failed on two counts: noticing the person and maintaining their anonymity from the start.

As they strolled back toward the main entrance, Kairo decided to immerse herself in the school's beauty, hoping to shake off the unpleasantness Clarisse had brought with her.

Just before they reached the threshold leading to the main entrance, Kairo felt a familiar pull. Her soul hummed, and her heartstrings tugged, signalling his presence. She glanced around, instinctively searching for him.

This sensation had only occurred twice before, both times connected to the same person. "I found him," she murmured to herself, spotting him beneath a shade, surrounded by papers. He sat upright, his gaze fixed ahead, seemingly unaffected by the commotion of girls attempting to melt the ice. But something seemed off.

"Kairo? Are you coming?" Amaira's voice interrupted her thoughts. They had moved a few feet ahead.

"I'll catch up in a moment. There's someone I need to see," Kairo replied, her attention diverted. Her steps led her toward the solitary figure at the table, drawn by an inexplicable force.

She had three objectives for being here:

One, to uncover anything that could help free her parents from the shadow realm.
Two, to unravel the mysteries surrounding herself and her new home.
Three, him. She had hoped he would be here, and her intuition had proved correct.

As she drew nearer, Kairo's senses heightened, detecting a disturbance in his aura. She halted abruptly, her eyes locking onto him. Horror washed over her as she recognized the dark, virus-like entity attempting to attach itself to his soul's gateways.

"The soul virus?" she whispered, stunned. She had never witnessed it behaving like this, desperately trying to infiltrate someone's essence.

Their bond wasn't yet solidified; they hadn't performed the official ritual. Thus, she couldn't sense his distress, nor could he sense hers.

Determined to help him, she hastened her pace toward them.

"Where's she going?" Amaira queried, trailing behind.

"I'm not sure," Cassian replied tersely, his gaze fixed on Kairo's determined stride, anticipating her destination.

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