Chapter 22 - Ekiya Academy

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Welcome! To Ekiya Academy; the school of excellence and pure talent.

For Faeries and Lightborns alike.

Do you believe in magic?


Kairo heaved, her movements slowed by exhaustion as sweat dripped down her body, reaching places she wouldn't mention. Like dragging a heavy burden, she pushed herself down the steep, rugged terrain. Her companions descended the jagged mountainside with less struggle, navigating loose gravel and rocky outcrops.

Just as she felt on the verge of passing out, the gruelling descent came to an end. The relentless sun beat down on the trio, making the journey from Cara even more arduous. The air thickened with heat, nearly suffocating, as if a heat wave had settled over the area. Completely drained of energy, Kairo collapsed onto the ground, gasping for breath.

"I - how - ugh!" she moaned, struggling to speak amidst heavy breaths.

"You need to work on your endurance, Kai. This was nothing," her cousin remarked.

Glaring furiously at her cousin, Kairo was too breathless to respond.

"Here, this should help," Cassian said, offering her a small vial containing a purple substance.

Kairo eyed it suspiciously. "What's this?"

"Think of it as an energy supplement. It should help alleviate most of your exhaustion," Cassian explained.

"Like a granola bar? Or an energy drink?" she asked, but Cassian and Amaira exchanged clueless glances, prompting her to sigh. "Never mind."

Certainly! Here's the edited passage incorporating the suggested changes:

And then she downed the vial filled with an energizing potion. She had her face scrunched up in anticipation of an awful taste, but instead, sweetness hit the base of her tongue, developing the scent of strawberry bubblegum and leaving the aftertaste of a strawberry tart. The moment she swallowed it, Kairo felt her body regain its lost energy, and the exhaustion seeped away.

"Wow! What is this stuff? Can I have more?" Bewilderment and wonder painted Kairo's face, her eyes lit with excitement at the discovery of something new.

"Energizing potion, and no, it's not good for your health and was never meant for prolonged use," Cassian responded firmly. He extended his hand to help Kairo stand, and she accepted it with a pout.

"Anyhow, I am grateful; it felt like I was dying." She looked back at the mountainous torture and shuddered. She did not want to go back to that ever again.

"We should go; the school is right behind that line of trees," Amaira pointed at what looked to be a small forest a few meters away.

"Are you sure?" Kairo's scepticism hung in the air.

Cassian smirked. "I had no idea Her Royal Highness was lazy."

"Pfft! I am not lazy, just selective!"

Amaira laughed, and Cassian chuckled as they followed Kairo towards the forest. Ever since they left Celestria, they had seen a side to Kairo they hadn't seen before or one that she didn't let be seen. She seemed more herself than she was back home, and the duo was only curious about how much of their crown princess they could get to know.

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