Chapter 17 - Amaira Svetlana

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Blue flames erupted from Kairo's sword coiling themselves on the elf witch. Her screams became deafening as Kairo stepped back, her body weakening.

The door to the sitting room almost blew off its hinges when a petite girl with gorgeous white hair barrelled into the room. Her ocean-blue eyes took in the scene quickly, and although surprised by what she found, she rushed towards Kairo.

"Kai, look at me, where does it hurt?"

Kairo looked up at her cousin with drooping eyes, she had the appearance of someone whose energy was being depleted massively. "Got in over my head. You - you are my cousin for real right? Cause if you are another monster then I am screwed."

Amaira chuckled and Kairo weakly smiled back. "It's me for real, little cousin."

"Good," Kairo muttered before passing out.

Amaira caught her and realised that she was burning up. Using her power, she located which of her cousin's magical ports was opened and closed. The screams of Kairo's attacker ceased and the girl's body cooled down.

"What in the hell..." Cassian's voice echoed around the room. His lavender eyes narrowed towards the elf witch who was pissed in the corner. Her dark aura seemed to seep out of her as her anger intensified.

Before Cassian could react, however, Amaira's voice called for his attention.

"Take Kairo to the infirmary. She is mine. It's personal."

Cassian did not hesitate, he instead hurried towards the two women and effortlessly carried Kairo. Her head rested on his chest, his eyes lingered on her face, there was a bleeding cut on her cheek. A thread of guilt looped itself around his heart, he had taken too long to heed to her call. He took two steps towards the door when the witch screamed.

"She is mine!"

And then she threw herself at Cassian. He did not turn around but kept walking. A loud cry informed him that Amaira intervened, it was her fight, and she did say it was personal.

"Wait," Kairo's weak voice stopped him in his tracks, "I want to see Aly fight."

"You are hurt, Kairo."

"I won't die. Please."

Cassian reluctantly turned around, he did not put Kairo down though and the girl did not insist.

"This is not your fight!" the elf witch growled, her skin changing colour to a red hue while her veins pumped orange.

"She is like a glow stick," Kairo muttered tiredly to no one in particular.

"It became my fight when you attacked my cousin and the crown princess of my kingdom using my face. What is it going to be glow sticks?" Amaira taunted and Kairo smiled, she heard her.

The witch however was not pleased. She roared as she launched her whip on Amaira. The fight began in a series of hectic events that were too fast even for Kairo to comprehend.

But it was intense and loud, Kairo had underestimated the elf woman, she fought rough and with strategy but Amaira was a force to be reckoned with as well.

The sheer power of the elf's whip broke apart an entire floor, vases fell and broke, a sofa was sent flying, and even Cassian who was carrying Kairo had to shift and change spots. Amaira propelled herself in the air and aimed a kick at the elf, it sent her flying across the room and hit the wall with alarming force. It cracked.

Amaira caught Kairo's eye and winked.

It was the sound of something tearing apart that shifted back their attention to the elf woman. Her entire skin was tearing apart and what looked like spikes erupted from her body.

"Those look painful..." Amaira began.

"And deadly," Cassian added.

"I think we can leave now," Kairo said anxiously.

"No, I can take her," Amaira added even as the woman continued to grow spikes.

"You will impale yourself in one of those! What the hell..." Kairo's paused mid-sentence at the terrifying scene in front of her, her eyes widening.

The woman seemingly grew in size. Her body turned into something akin to a dinosaur, Kairo was ready to get out of there and as though he read her mind, Cassian bolted with Amaira by her side.

"What in Celestria is that?" Amaira shouted as they ran.

"A dinas. They are deadly and rarely come out from the shadow realm, it baffles me why they are here now," Cassian replied as they rounded the corner towards the crown princess's quarters entrance.

Kairo whipped her head at what Cassian said. "Shadow realm, you say?"

"Don't even think about it!" Both Cassian and Amaira responded.

A deafening roar and a shake of the castle alerted the trio of an incoming chaser but luckily for them, General Aloys and his men arrived.

"We will take it from here. Make sure the princess is safe, " the general ordered.

Sometime along the way, Kairo must have passed out because when she woke up, a strong smell of disinfectant grazed her nose. Her body felt heavy as though she carried lead atop of her.

She groaned as a splitting headache let itself be known. What happened? she wondered before the activities pooled her mind. She granted as she fell back on the soft pillows.

Everything inside the room was white except for the minty green walls the silvery medical table and the supplies. There was a singular cupboard on the corner that had medicinal equipment inside.

"You are awake," a very familiar voice, with tinges of stress and worry in it spoke.

Kairo turned her head with effort towards the voice. "Lord Carl, how are you doing?" the girl attempted an easygoing smile but her cheek burned where she was sliced.

The short man huffed, his eyes had dark bags underneath and he seemed overly exhausted.
"You are going to be the death of me, Princess Kairo. I had thought that your mother was troublesome, the heavens must have thought that funny and sent the advanced version of troublesome through you."

Kairo grinned apologetically, " I am so sorry. I very much intend on staying out of trouble I promise."

"Then why did you use the magik conduit? You aren't trained enough! You cannot channel your magic like that. You could have killed yourself," Lord Carl's voice reached a higher octave.

Kairo winced at his revelation. She was just so angry and wanted to prove that she wasn't weak.

"I am just tired of the incessant attacks. Of being underestimated and always being hunted. I just wanted to prove that I wasn't weak," Kairo responded quietly, her eyes trained on the plain lime ceiling.

"Is that why you applied to Ekiya Academy without my consent?"

"Your Majesty," Lord Carl called out, startled.

Kairo did not raise her head or react, she just stared at the ceiling, leaving the Queen's question unanswered.

"Leave us, Lord Carl."

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