Chapter 3 -- BLUE EYES

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"I'll wait out here." Julio says when we arrive.
I and Maya get out of the car and proceed to the store.

Maya gets a cart, and I walk behind her, although looking around.
"Don't you've a list of what you wanna get?" Seeing her pick from the shelf without even thinking twice, I had to ask.
"Nope. I know what I am meant to get, and I even get to add to it."
"Nice." I utter.

Mum never let me get anything from the store unless she approves it.
If it isn't on the list, I'm not allowed to buy it.
It's so incredible how Maya and Julio live freely, and here I am so focused on my rules, and it's incredible.
It's really incredible. I really don't have a problem doing what my mum wants me to.
I've lived like this since I was little, and I'm pretty used to being the child she wants me to be.
Being the perfect child.
I just want to make her happy because she deserves it.

"Do you like cereal?" Maya asks.
"Yeah. Yeah, I do." I mutter with my eyes trailing around till it meets with another pair of eyes.

I do not know the owner of the pair of eyes, but I get lost in them.
It's like an ocean, and I'm trying to find my way.
Like time had stopped, and even Maya was nowhere to be seen. All I could see were the eyes.
The blue eyes.

My gaze slowly shifts to the face and the full figure of the person who stood a bit far from where I was.
Everything about him was enticing. From his curly brown hair to his broad shoulder and his muscular legs that were evident due to the shorts he had on.
I've seen boys and I haven't felt anything but now, what I feel is crazy and I can't explain it.

I've seen boys and I haven't felt anything but now, what I feel is crazy and I can't explain it

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The tingling feeling was so thrilling, and I could not control it.
I could feel my cheeks flush in embarrassment as he broke the strong gaze and walked away.

I guess Maya noticed I was lost, so she poked me on my stomach, and I returned my gaze to her.

"What has got you staring so seriously?" She asks.
I couldn't even bring myself to say what. All I could do was still search around and see if he would come back, but he wasn't in my line of sight and standing in-between shelves, I could barely see anything.

"Don't tell me you were staring at Tristan!" Maya grins with a very awkward smile.
I try to wade off the discussion hiding my embarrassment, but she doesn't let it die easily.

"You were staring at him." She utters with excitement.
"His name is Tristan?" I ask, and she nods.

"He's Tristan Morriston. The Mayor's son and every girl's dream guy. Except for me. I really don't like him much. But people say he's cool." She explains.

"Well, good for him." I utter. Maya stares at me, and I can see she wants to say a lot of things, but she holds back and just smiles at me.

"What?" I ask embarrassed, but she shakes her head while pushing the cart towards the cashier's desk.

I still dart my eyes around searching for him. For the unique blue eyes that bore so much resemblance to the blue ocean. Those eyes made me feel lost, like I could drown. I want to see them again.

What has gotten over me?

I tried hard not to think about him, but the more I tried, the more the image of his eyes filled my head.

Maya pays with a credit card and the cashier hands us paper bags filled with all we had bought.
Maya holds on to one, and I hold on to the other as we walk out of the store.
Thank God she didn't mention another word about the mystery boy because I need to get him out of my head.

I know I won't see him again though I mean, where would I see him.
Mum said no boys and I'm not ready to break that rule. I'm not gonna break the rule or break mum's trust.


Even after finishing my novel, I still couldn't get those ocean blue eyes out of my head.
I even imagined him as the main character in my novel.
I've never felt this way before.
Do I like him?
I don't know. All I know is that this is all new to me, and it's best if I don't dwell in whatever it is,I am feeling even if it's choking me.

"So Tristan Morriston, huh? That's who you like?" Maya suddenly asks.
I roll my eyes at her, shutting the second novel I've read today.
Carefully taking off my glasses, I placed them on the side table.
"He's a cute guy. Very popular and hot too."

"Maya, I don't know what you think I feel for whoever that guy is. But it's not what you think. I don't like him." Who am I kidding? I facepalm myself, trying hard to fight the blush I could already feel creeping onto my face.

"See, you're blushing. You like him. I know you do. I hope he becomes the special man for your summer." She utters and drags the duvet over her head.
"Goodnight." I hear her say.
"GOOD NIGHT." I respond also laying on the bed, too.

It's like forbidden love.
I stare deeply at those blue eyes again.
Feeling his grip on my waist. I tried to scream, but my voice had gone sore, and I could barely utter a word.
His gaze bores deep into mine with our lips inches apart.

"Let's elope. They won't let us be together. " He says, still staring at me and not loosening his grip on me.

"I don't mind. As long as I can be with you." He smiles and leans in for a kiss.
With my lips slowly drifting closer to his and waiting for the precious moment, I could feel excitement race in my chest.

"Agh!" I groan.
Opening my eyes to reality. My lips were on Maya's head.
"Jeez..." I say. She was still asleep.
It was just another dream. Now he is in my dreams.
If he is in my dreams, how do I possibly get him out of my head?

I really can't bare to wake Maya up now, and thank God she didn't feel my lips on her head.
She would have blabbed all about it and teased me too.
There would have been no end to it.


"Are you excited for the summer camp Trish?" Auntie Grace asks while serving my food.
"I really don't know if I should be excited. I mean I don't know what to expect." I utter, taking a bite of the bacon on my plate.

"Haven't you gone for school trips before? It's just like school trips. The only difference is, it's arranged by the town and is also done in the town but in some discrete place." Maya explains and I nod.

"You'll love it dear. I know you will." Auntie Grace says, running her hand through my hair before leaving for the kitchen.
I do hope I love it like they say.

"O. I've gotta go call my mum." I gasp realizing I was 5 minutes past the actual time we had fixed for the call.

"Can't you call her right after you eat? Your food would get cold." Maya yells but I had already run out to the porch.
I can't give mum a reason to be scared. I've to keep up with the calls.

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